Rayman 2: The Great Escape - The Sanctuary of Stone and Fire - Part 1/2 - (PC/PS1/N64/DC)
MrGamingZone MrGamingZone
31.1K subscribers

 Published On Mar 30, 2013

Rayman finds himself in a canyon with a long river of lava, and has to glide down onto safe ground. The Robo-Pirate Army has left a sign up on the wall reading 'Warning -- Labyrinth! If you get lost, contact Robo-Rooters immediately!'. To Rayman's left after that is a ledge with a metal tower, guarded by a red Henchman 800. He will then reach the tower by bouncing on a small net, from which a cage hangs inside, but at this moment he cannot get to it. Instead he finds a Power Fist that he cannot reach just yet, and a wooden sparadrap, which releases a Purple Lum when shot at. This Lum will help him get to the other side of the gap, and on the other side of the tower is another wooden sparadrap that contains a Purple Lum - this one will help him reach the Power Fist now.

Through the passage, Rayman will encounter another red Henchman 800, and then cross a few more ledges until he is inside a tunnel of lava, where he will find a tree that grows plums, which are resistant to the heat of this type of lava and can be used to ride on safely. Should Rayman decide to go back and reach some ledges that bear some Yellow Lums, he will find one passage that leads to a cavern in which there is an ape pirate. This one will not run far enough to drop itself into the lava, so Rayman will have to knock down another plum and use it to throw on the Pirate's head (akin to the Livingstones in the original Rayman). Standing on top of it them will help Rayman reach a cage.

The cage under the net can be accessed if Rayman goes back to the first plum tree and uses the fruit to travel all the way back to the beginning of the stage, where he will find a tunnel that leads to a cavern. In there, there is a pit with a new type of lava that will actually burn away the fruit, with a large pointed metal spike sticking out. Rayman has to throw a plum onto it to help him get to the other side. Then, using two more spikes, he will throw another plum onto one, allow it to fall off the spike, and then do the same again until the plum can be used to help him reach a ledge that leads to the hidden cage.

Back at the first plum tree, Rayman will move on, and then climb on a ceiling covered with cobwebs, shooting away any caterpillars that get in his way.

Eventually, he will land on a piece of metalwork at which another plum tree is found, and he will use the plum to get to the other side of this body of lava, and climb up some rocky ledges until he finds a grassy area that points to two directions. If Rayman picks the right path he will go to the Sanctuary, but if he picks the left path he will go to the wrong temple.

This second temple does not hide away the second Mask of Polokus, but there are still some cages and Yellow Lums to find. Inside the first room is a pit of lava with a stone bridge over it, and a set of flamethrowers (stone carvings that resembles mouths and shoot fire from time to time). On one of the pillars is a cage, and between them is a door that can be broken down by Rayman's shots. Then there is another pit of lava below a stalactite that grows from the ceiling - this can be shot down and used to cross the pit. Down the corridor, Rayman will encounter another stalactite and a cage, and will then come across several pillars that can only be knocked down by shooting the wooden sparadraps that a stuck on them.

After crossing a set of broken stone paths down the lava river, and shooting down another stalactite, Rayman will step on a piece of rock that flows down the river by itself, until he sees a set of smooth stone altars, one of which leads to a short corridor round the back crawling with small spiders, which then leads to the top where a Purple Lum flies. Rayman uses that to cross the gap, and then go down the next corridor. There, he will drop down, and come across another moving piece of rock floating in the lava, and shooting down more stalactites and avoiding the flamethrowers, he makes it to a set of staircases. The one to his left doesn't lead to anywhere, so he takes the one to his right, which leads to a room with three breakable doors. One contains times Red Lums, one contains a cage and a Power Fist, the last contains a giant spider. This very door then leads a walking shell, which runs across the stone ledges, across rivers of lava, to the exit of this temple.

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