Panteras, Living Among Wild Cats Trailer | Wildscreen Official Selection 2022
Wildscreen Festival Wildscreen Festival
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 Published On Aug 24, 2022

PANTERAS is a documentary about big cats out of the ordinary. Andoni Canela brings us closer to these animals in a different way: from the contemplation and rapport with the natural environment where it is found, it manages to create emotional ties with the nature that it observes. Thus, a message that the photographer often claims becomes evident: in order to want to protect something, you first have to love it; and the only way to love him is to know him thoroughly. Canela achieves their goal by using a slow narration, a leisurely rhythm that manages to show the real time of nature and not using technical resources such as slow motion.

Everything happens little by little, until an unforeseen event accelerates the action. Andoni Canela is accompanied by his son Unai, who begins the adventure at the age of twelve and ends it at the age of seventeen. The documentary is also a witness to the boy's adolescence: his growth is seen during the four years that the filming lasts, how he searches for his identity, his moments of rebellion, and how he develops in harmony with nature and creating a strong bond with his father. Through the figure of the young Unai, PANTERAS appeals directly to the new generations: with images of great beauty, the expression of his thoughts and conversations with his father, he makes it clear why it is necessary that things like the disappearance of felines matter.

Unai is also the author of several of the songs on the soundtrack, becoming a mirror of how far youthful creativity can go. In conclusion, PANTERAS is a lyrical work about the need to conserve felines and also a call to future generations to be part of the natural environment that surrounds them. It is a documentary that connects with the youngest viewer and makes the adult reflect.

Director: Andoni Canela
Country of Origin: Spain

Panteras has been selected as part of Wildscreen Official Selection 2022, and has been selected to receive the Programmer Prize.

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