Why do we eat when we feel stressed? Emotional eating solutions
Nada Harfoush | Wellbeing Nada Harfoush | Wellbeing
1.18M subscribers

 Published On Aug 14, 2022

What is emotional eating?
If you find yourself looking around for food and start eating greedily and you are not hungry when you feel negative feelings such as being stressed, tense, sad, frustrated, angry or a sense of neglect, then you are suffering from emotional eating

What are the causes of emotional eating?
The physical causes of emotional eating.. due to the high hormones cortisol and insulin, which causes a craving for sweets
Psychological causes of emotional eating
Escape from problems with food, and punish yourself by eating more food
Emotional hunger and hormonal deficiency associated with social contact
Availability and availability of unhealthy food
Repeating negative situations and negative people
How do I get rid of emotional eating?
Is emotional eating a self-destructive behavior?

How do I get rid of emotional eating?
Is emotional eating a self-destructive behavior?
Emotional eating is more common in women
Freedom from emotional eating is something that takes a lot of practice
Starting from the lack of availability, to the use of friends and the psychological support network and trying to find middle solutions such as providing healthy alternatives

ما هو الأكل العاطفي؟ emotional eating
لو انتي بتلاقي نفسك بتدوري على الاكل وبتبدأي تاكلي بشراهة وانتي مش جعانة لما بتحسي بمشاعر سلبية زي انك تكوني مضغوطة او متوترة او حزينة او محبطة او غضبانة او حاسة بالاهمال يبقى انتي بتعاني من الايموشنال ايتنج

ما هي أسباب الأكل العاطفي؟
الاسباب الجسدية للاكل العاطفي
الاسباب النفسية للاكل العاطفي

كيف اتخلص من الاكل العاطفي؟
هل الاكل العاطفي أحد سلوكيات التدمير الذاتي؟

كوتش ندى حرفوش أخصائي التغذية العلاجية متخصصة في الكيتو والصيام المتقطع
خاضت تجربة شخصية خاصة جدا مع الكيتو والصيام المتقطع، استطاعت خلالها التعافي من آثار جلطة دماغية، والتهاب الكبد الوبائي سي، والتهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي عن طريق الكيتو والصيام المتقطع، قامت بعدها بدراسة التغذية العلاجية والتخصص في الكيتو والصيام المتقطع، وأنشأت مشروع Wellbeing بهدف نشر التوعية الصحية.

Coach Nada Harfoush, therapeutic nutrition specialist and specialist in Keto diet and intermittent fasting
Had gone through very successful personal experience with Keto & intermittent fasting, which made her recover from the effects of a stroke and Hepatitis C and rheumatoid arthritis. After that she has studied therapeutic nutrition and has specialized in Keto and intermittent fasting, and has founded the Wellbeing project in order to raise health awareness

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