特種兵電影:外國僱傭兵膽敢報復中國特種兵,精英突擊隊出擊顷刻斬落匪首! 動作片 中國電影 HD
Moxi Movie Channel Official 模晰官方電影頻道 Moxi Movie Channel Official 模晰官方電影頻道
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 Published On Premiered Jun 6, 2024

故事簡介: 特種兵軍事動作電影《單兵之王 The King of Soldiers》講述 國際犯罪集團「屠龍傭兵團」老大野狼的妻子周文芳,在中國失手被中國警方擒獲。 為了救出妻子,野狼幾次派出精英傭兵前去營救,都被中國特種兵消滅了。 不得已,野狼派出了手下最強大的雷豹和四大金剛,再次來營救周文芳。 雷豹沒有直接進行救援行動,而是綁架了多名重要人質,威脅警察局李局長將周文芳釋放。 其中一名人質是李局長的女兒欣欣。 中國軍方同時派出精英特種兵龍魂和他的三名下屬獵鷹、天猴、山狼前去營救人質...

Synopsis: The Military Action film Movie "The King of Soldiers 單兵之王" is about a special force story: The Wolf is the leader of an international criminal group. His wife, Zhou Wenfang was capced by the police of China by the police of China . The Wolf sent elite mercenaries to save her several times, and they were wiped out by Chinese special forces. As last, the Wolf sent out his most powerful team: Leopard and the Four. On the other side Kings of the other side , Long Hun, was also recalled to special forces team...

出品 Studio: 雅風國際影視 Yafeng International Films.
製片 Produced by: 李曉暉 Li Xiaohui, 申軍鋒 Shen Junfeng, 李蔚 Li Wei.
導演 Directed by: 劉雅風 Liu Yafeng.
編劇 Screenplay by: 劉加明 Liu Jiaming, 李曉暉 Li Xiaohui.
主演 Starring: 劉雅風 Liu Yafeng, 鄒蕊蔓 Zou Ruiman, 楊志濤 Yang Zhitao, 王琪瑞 Wang Qirui, 譚志平 Tan Zhiping.
題材 Genres: #動作 #Action #軍事 #military #特種兵 #specialforces #動作片 #actionmovies #動作電影 #actionfilm

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