What Does it Really Mean to Seek First The Kingdom of God.wmv
Steve Rossi Christian Counselor in Houston Texas Steve Rossi Christian Counselor in Houston Texas
779 subscribers

 Published On Jun 4, 2011

Short Video by Christian Counselor, Steve Rossi on: What Does it Really Mean to Seek First The Kingdom of God. Encouraging the Christian Community.

Matt. 6:33

So many people are full of fear and worry about their lives today. You may be one of them. Maybe you know someone who is consumed with worry about making it. They are worried about what they will eat, drink, or wear.

Preoccupation turns to panic over what will happen to you. Jesus is not making a casual statement here! He is God. He knows what we want before we ask. He is the Ultimate Provider.

What does it mean to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness? How do we do this? First, we need to understand, especially as believers that there is nothing more important in this world than God's Will and Destiny for our souls. He Wills that we come into relationship with Him; that we receive His gift of eternal salvation and pursue the things of God. This is not a matter of the head but a deep pursuit from the heart, the very core of our being. We will never be right with God by keeping the law. Ritual and traditions will never bring us into the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. No. Neither will a superficial understanding of Jesus as God and disobeying Him. Seeking the Kingdom of God means we seek God with all of our heart, not because we want something. No. But because we want Him and we want what He wants. He wants us primarily as Christians to pursue Him. To be intimately connected with Him in every way. We can't say we are truly seeking the Kingdom of God when we are full of fear. Fear overshadows holy pursuit of our Almighty God. Our worries over these things hinder us. We should not seek Him so much because we want something. He knows what we want before we ask. He wants us to want Him. He is the Kingdom of God. Brothers and sisters, The Kingdom of God is within us! The Holy Spirit is also the Kingdom of God within us. His Word is the Kingdom of God laid out for us. Everything Jesus ever said or did is the Kingdom of God for us. We are without excuse when we say the Kingdom of God is inaccessible. Jesus is the mediator and redeemer Who revealed His Kingdom and makes This Kingdom and all His promises available to those who believe in Him. His Righteousness. What does this mean? We are to seek God's Holy ways for living as determined by Him for us. His righteousness not ours. As revealed and demonstrated by Him. We cannot seek the Kingdom of God without His Righteousness. We live the Christian life according to God's Righteousness not ours. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God is about abandoning ourselves to God in going after Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength! We are born from above brothers and sisters. Don't let your worry and fears over these needs drive you to seek God only because you might die if you don't get them, but because you love God and live forever because of Him.

Seek first the Kingdom of God from the depths of your heart and soul and watch the amazing transformation that will take place in your life. Do it today my friends. Hunger and thirst for God because you really want more of Him. Don't let your worries over your needs be a stumbling block in your relationship with Him. He loves you and wants you to love Him. Nothing moves God more than a heart that is totally set on Him. God Bless you my friend.

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