般若心經 Heart Sutra
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 Published On Aug 26, 2024

bō rě bō luó mì duō xīn jīng
guān zì zài pú sà , xíng shēn bō rě bō luó mì duō shí,zhào jiàn wǔ yùn jiē kōng, dù yī qiē kǔ è。
shè lì zǐ, sè bù yì kōng ,kōng bù yì sè , sè jí shì kōng , kōng jí shì sè。
shòu xiǎng xíng shí,yì fù rú shì。
shè lì zǐ, shì zhū fǎ kōng xiāng,
bù shēng bù miè, bù gòu bù jìng, bù zēng bù jiǎn ,
shì gù kōng zhōng wú sè, wú shòu xiǎng xíng shí,
wú yǎn ěr bí shé shēn yì, wú sè shēng xiāng wèi chù fǎ, wú yǎn jiè,
nǎi zhì wú yì shí jiè, wú wú míng , yì wú wú míng jìn,
nǎi zhì wú lǎo sǐ, yì wú lǎo sǐ jìn。
wú kǔ jí miè dào, wú zhì yì wú dé, yǐ wú suǒ dé gù。
pú tí sà duǒ yī bō rě bō luó mì duō gù xīn wú guà ài。
wú guà ài gù, wú yǒu kǒng bù, yuǎn lí diān dǎo mèng xiǎng, jiū jìng niè pán。
sān shì zhū fó, yī bō rě bō luó mì duō gù, dé ā nuò duō luó sān miǎo sān pú tí。
gù zhī bō rě bō luó mì duō, shì dà shén zhòu, shì dà míng zhòu,
shì wú shàng zhòu, shì wú děng děng zhòu。néng chú yī qiē kǔ, zhēn shí bù xū。
gù shuō bō rě bō luó mì duō zhòu。
jí shuō zhòu yuē:
jiē dì jiē dì, bō luó jiē dì, bō luó sēng jiē dì, pú tí sà pó hē。
整段话的概略意思是“透过心量广大的通达智慧,而超脱世俗困苦的根本途径”。   “摩诃”:无边无际的大、心量广大[1]。比喻宇宙万物大自然之间的规律与特质,约略相当于中国传统文化指称的道与广义的命。   “般若”为梵语音译,指通达妙智慧;   “波罗”为梵语音译,指到彼岸(不生不灭、不垢不净),有解脱挂碍的意思;   “蜜多”为梵语音译,意为无极。可联想比如蜜蜂采花酿蜜,能融合众多不同来源成分而归纳为一。   “心”:根本、核心、精髓。一方面表示内容所探讨的主体重心,另一方面也表示全篇内容的重要性。   “经”:字义是线、路、径,引申为经典。代表前人走过的路途、独特而深入的经历或见解,借口述语言或文字记载来传承后世,以供人们做为参考指引。
心经经文以“观自在菩萨”开头,以“菩提萨婆诃”结尾(萨婆诃本为祝颂语,亦有观自在的意思,与经文开头相呼应)。 “舍利子(舍利弗)”是心经全文关键字词之一。






The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra," commonly known as "The Heart Sutra," is a shining gem among Buddhist scriptures. Despite being only 260 characters long, it is rich in content and profound in meaning, often regarded as the essence of Buddhist teachings.
This brief text acts like a super-concentrator, distilling the knowledge of the 600 volumes of the "Great Perfection of Wisdom Sutra" into a concise form. Moreover, it clarifies some of the more obscure Buddhist terms, such as the "Five Aggregates," "Six Senses," "Six Contact Points," "Twelve Bases," and "Eighteen Elements," making it almost like a dictionary.
Just by reading the Heart Sutra, you can absorb various nutrients of the Buddhist way of life, much like taking a bite of a mixed fruit and oatmeal bar. Though it may seem short, the Heart Sutra contains deeply thought-provoking content. It teaches us the five-star secret of Buddhism—"Prajna"—which is the wisdom to see through everything, understanding that nothing is fixed or permanent. By grasping this, you can live as freely and effortlessly as Avalokiteshvara.
The emergence of the Heart Sutra has created a wave in the Buddhist world, allowing countless people to feel its kindness and warmth. However, the most beloved part of the sutra is undoubtedly the mantra at the end, which acts like a huge Easter egg that everyone can't help but chant along: "Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha," which means "Go, go, go beyond, go altogether beyond, establish enlightenment."
The Heart Sutra once again proves that size doesn't matter; what counts is the attitude. It holds a significant place not only in Buddhism but also in literature and philosophy, sparking widespread interest. It acts like a beam of light, guiding those who seek inner peace and wisdom to find their path.


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