Jayme Sue Louque Honor Walk 11/28/21
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 Published On Dec 1, 2021

For anyone who’s ever had a loved one declared brain dead, four days is a long time to have to say goodbye to someone you know you’ll never see again.

The decision to donate Jayme’s organs was a no-brainer. Her dad has had two kidney transplants. Her mom was his first donor in 2001 and it lasted until 2014 before rejecting. He waited for over a year for his second transplant (10/28/15 at KU Med) so her family knew what it’s like to have to wait on an organ to not only become available but match.

“The measure of a life, afterall is not its duration but its donation.”

As Jayme clung to life, her mom sat at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City with an eerie memory of how she walked the halls with tears in her eyes a few months before delivering Jayme Sue in 2007.

She toured the hospital and met with the neurosurgery team feeling the grim realization of the tough road ahead. Pictures of sick kids lined the walls, and she questioned her lot in life thinking that she didn’t have the patience or resilience that it took to be the mom of a Special Needs child.

At 20 weeks pregnant, Jayme was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and Dandy Walker Syndrome. Family was told that a part of her brain was missing, that she would have a 30% survival rate and if she did survive that she would be a burden. Her mom's doctor recommended that she terminate the pregnancy.

Her mom believes the life begins at conception and came home that day and named her Jayme after James 1:2 “Consider it pure Joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

She had a fetal MRI to confirm her missing corpus callosum just because she wanted “to be sure”. She continued to pray for God’s will and His strength.

Jayme’s first miracle was the week after she was born. After being transferred to Children’s Mercy an ultrasound confirmed that her corpus callosum was there. The news gave the family hope and reaffirmed that Jayme’s life was in God’s hands. Her mom spent many years with an overnight bag packed, knowing that at a moment’s notice she’d be back in the hospital for something (shunt placement, hip dysplasia, severe sleep apnea, bilateral patellar instability, severe constipation, upper respiratory distress, migraines, seizures, shunt malfunction).

Until the night of 11/22/21, her mom was a pro at dealing with medical emergencies. But nothing prepares a person for watching their child stop breathing, go limp, having to frantically administer chest compressions until the EMT arrives, and watch life drain from a face.

The family was at their lake house when Jayme started complaining of a headache. She also started crying and saying “I miss Paw Paw” (her grandfather was just buried two weeks earlier). She had headaches most of her life and mom and dad spent many, many nights laying with her waiting for the pain to subside.

After four hours the Tylenol wasn’t helping and she had her first of three seizures. The third was followed by a massive cardiac arrest. She was flown by helicopter from Osage Beach to Children’s Mercy. She suffered catastrophic, irreversible brain damage and laid in the PICU comatose on life support. Hearts were broken. But remember this, God is GOOD but Satan comes to kill and destroy. Do not confuse those two things.

The last words she spoke were “I WANT JESUS”.

Jayme lived a life full of unconditional agape love and pure joy. Would you join her in choosing life? Sign up to be an organ donor today.

Music by Casting Crowns and Matthew West. Permission granted. No copyright infringement intended.

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