Animash// Battle Scars {1600+ & Dedication}
888WolfStar 888WolfStar
2.8K subscribers

 Published On Jul 4, 2014

Reading the description is cool too X3
Happy 4th of July to any of my fellow Americans~
EDIT: Thank you to whoever is disliking my videos, very mature -.-'

Hey guys long time no see XD I honestly didn't expect to finish this so quickly O.O But hey I had a massive amount of inspiration hit me so I got this done fairly quick.

I started this video back in February and it has sat in my unfinished folder for months only to be opened every once in a blue moon to have maybe a few seconds of footage added before I got frustrated with it and my computer and closed it. But the other day after posting that silly little spoof and seeing all the positive comments from everyone, the PM's I got and just the fun I had making that simple project got to me and I realized how much I really missed being a part of this. Not to mention I was talking to the friend that this is originally intended to be for and I slipped up mentioning it to him ^.^' He told me not to worry about finishing it (he hasn't seen it yet but I'm sending it to him) but here it is in all its glory and honestly, I'm pretty darn proud of this since it's been just about 5-6 months since I've even seriously touched my Vegas. Plus I finally have just about all of my movies in HD quality now (which made my computer poop itself basically).

I want to thank all of you guys. You are all the reason I haven't given up on this little hobby of mine. All of the feedback, the comments, the messages and chats, I love getting to know all of you and meeting new editors. I dread the day I'll be forced to stop doing this but I know it's possibly coming soon. 3 years certainly have come and gone by so fast. I've made so many friends, many of which are no longer around on here, but still stay in touch with me which makes me so happy. I started editing because I was a lonely kid who didn't really know who she was and didn't have many friends. I went through a lot within the past 3 years in my personal life as many of you know. Between starting high school, dealing with my social and mental difficulties through administered and self-therapy, going through a divorce, being abandoned by both friends and family members, dealing with my health, the everyday teen struggles and school I can see that I've come so far. I've come to see where I think I belong and will be pursing this in college this fall, I'm on much more stable grounds with many family members compared to just last year, my social habits are much better than they were, my health is good now that I'm not so over stressed and I've just grown as a person. I must admit that I do have a long way to go in regards to understanding and moving on from my past but I know with the help of those dearest to me I can make it through and I will. So thank you for not giving up on me and showing that you care, all 1600 of you. I know I'm pretty shy in regards to putting myself out there and involving myself in this community with MEP's and stuff but I'd seriously love to get more involved in that. I feel even if I'm not active enough to post full videos I'll be able to do short parts so please let me know if you'd like me to join in or work with me because the answer will most likely be yes :) I'm more than willing to make some new friends considering I'm often times out of the loop XD

Also, I'd like to say that this video is also a joint video for not just my fantastic supporters but to a dear friend of mine. He's not an editor but the two of us have become pretty close friends this past year. We are big anime buddies and thanks to his butt I'm such a Fullmetal Alchemist fan X3 When I started this video, he had me in quite a scare because things for him were not going all that well. He was depressed and missed school a lot which had me worried. He wouldn't let anyone help and I didn't know how else to make him see that he is important and the way he sees things are clouded from sadness. I wanted to make him feel better so I made this. I wanted this done months ago when things were the worst for both of us, in March or so, to put us in better spirits but I never had time and eventually gave up on it. But once I got my motivation back, I finished it in just about 2 days. There was crashing, and freezing, and waiting, and saving, 2 times my computer overheated and had to be shut down but it's done and I hope he likes how it came out and it makes him see that things can only get better from this point and as his Weapon (Soul Eater reference btw) I wish to see that my Miester will be happy when he goes off to college too. My history class buddy is growing up :'3

Anywhooooo, enjoy the video guys!! I hope you like it :3
The typography starting at 2:56 is from a lyric video on here. Just look up the song and it's the first one. Just if anyone is curious since that's totally not my handwriting X3

Song: "Battle Scars" Paradise Fears

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