Talent, or anything like that / Otomachi Una
Go Aoki / Gogotea Go Aoki / Gogotea
61K subscribers

 Published On Nov 13, 2019

Hello, I'm Afternoon Tea (午後ティー).
Because it's become colder, please do make taking care of yourself your greatest priority.

■ Vocal / Otomachi Una

■ Music, Lyrics / Afternoon Tea (午後ティー)
  / gogotea_nicogt  

■ Illust. / Ryouya Chimo (涼夜 ちも)。
  / timomikaga0  

■ Off-vocal / http://piapro.jp/gogotea_nicogt

If I don’t have talent, or anything like that,
もっと早く教えて 神様
Hurry up and tell me, God
お陰で行くも帰るも もうできん場所に来ちゃった
Thanks to you, I’ve ended up at a place where I can’t go forward and I can’t come back
そんな顔をしないでよ 母さん
Don’t make that face, mother
こんな歌 歌ってごめんな
This kind of song, I’m sorry I’m singing it
でも そうしなきゃ僕が僕でいられない日々だ
But if I don’t, then I’ll pass day after day unable to be myself

夜勤明けの駅は凪いで 朝を焼いて
The train station after the night shift is calm, the morning burning
Exposing and sneering at my self-abandoned, despairing life
Really not going easy on me, huh?

It was last year, at the beginning of spring, when I started to hate the musicians I admired
Because they always sang nonsense like “Dreams will come true!”
諦めること ちょうどいい引き際も
Giving up and and quitting when the time’s right —
Sing out about how they’re important, too!
How nice it would be if you could live on just pretty words.

I didn’t have talent, or anything like that
Had it already become common knowledge a long time ago?
行くも帰るも才能なら 僕は肉塊以下だ
If both going forward and coming back are talents, then I’m even worse than a lump of meat
Lives that can just be finished without singing these kinds of songs — where do they sell them?
道端に転がる吸いさしが まさに僕だ
The cigarette butts that tumble about on the side of the road — they’re just like me.

Lying on my side in the jail of this studio apartment*
I became acquainted with the darkening of the day and the brightness of the full moon
そうだ もう僕には逃げ場がないのだ
That’s right; the fact is, I don’t have anywhere to run anymore

The only reason to go out and leave here is to die, right
Not having anything like dreams is for my own good

明日は我が身だと震える余生 クソくらえ
Tomorrow, as for my self and my shuddering remaining years — eat shit!
下を見てみろ 精神論者ども
Try looking down for once, all you idealists
I lost at everything!
You can hear the voices of the losers who laid down on the tracks, can’t you?

四季の移ろい 人の営み
The changing of the four seasons, the work of people,
The height of luxuries only the winners are allowed
I don’t have things like time
若いやつらに後ろ指さされてばっか 立つ瀬がない
All I am is pointed at behind my back by those young guys, just losing face.
There’s already no chair left for me to sit in,
世間体 プライド 心中も辞さない
Keeping up appearances; pride; not even their double suicide can scare me
I can’t say anything like “I want to keep living”

A windy hole opened in my hanging head
I wonder where I lost the way
Is it because of the guitar I’ve held for 14 autumns?
今じゃゴミを漁る浮浪者を見て 他人事だとは思えねぇ
Now I see a vagrant fishing through the garbage, but I don’t think that it’s someone else’s problem

It was last year, at the beginning of spring, when I started to hate the musicians I admired
Because they always sang nonsense like “Dreams will come true!”
諦めること ちょうどいい引き際も
Giving up and and quitting when the time’s right —
Sing out about how they’re important, too!
How nice it would be if you could live on just pretty words.

I don’t have talent, or anything like that, but
Just one last bit at the end should be fine, right?
In the end, whether you go forward or come back depends on yourself, after all
“If you have a dream, that’s still okay, but just don’t misjudge your own limits.”
As long as you understand that, more or less, it seems what will be, will be.
Being tired of life and being overjoyed with it are just two sides of the same coin.

(* “Studio apartment” - original is “1K,” lit. “1 kitchen” apartment, it refers to a small apartment that usually consists of a single room with a divided kitchenette.)

English TL by Xia (@PachinkoSubs)

#VOCALOID #AfternoonTea #OtomachiUna

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