The Radiant Root The Radiant Root
23.3K subscribers

 Published On May 29, 2024

I’m not gonna lie to you guys, I honestly wasn’t super excited to jump into another season after the dramatic ending of my season in Korea… I was exhausted, mentally and physically…

Because of the intensity and pressure that came along with being a foreigner in the V-League, I was ready for a break… I was so thankful for my newfound experience and ability, but I was just tired guys. I was really tired.

Even though I knew I needed to see family and I knew I needed a break, I also know that it was a short season in Indo and that I would regret not taking the opportunity, especially since Mega was playing and so many people have told me how wonderful it is (including Mega😂).

Mega actually promised me that I would love it and really have a great time.

Man was she right…

I was in Indonesia for about a month and a half and in that shirt time, it changed my life.

I came exhausted and honestly not loving volleyball so much. I was so sad to leave and all I wanted to do was train and play with my team, which sadly I had to leave due to my minor injury… More info on the situation in my Instagram.

Even though I was sad to leave, I will never forget the short time I had in such an incredible place.

I’ll definitely be back. 😉

Until then, enjoy this little video I made of my travels to paradise…

With love,


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