Drink different, you might just start thinking different too.
21.8K subscribers

 Published On Jun 28, 2024

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect."
- Mark Twain

We like that quote.

Here's why.

Because progress is rarely a straight line.

And the loudest voice isn’t always the right one.

In fact, history is full of wrong turns and dead ends.

We were once taught that cigarettes were good for breathing,
and that sugar was a dieting tool.

You can get alcohol out of a tap but get put in a cage for having a plant in your pocket.

And as a society, we’re fatter, more anxious, more depressed and sleep deprived sleep-deprived than ever.

And angry.

Instead of sleeping, we take pills.

Instead of energy, we load up on stimulants.

While doctors distribute drugs,
actual medicine is illegal.

Because instead finding the root cause, we rely on bandages.

What’s the solution?
I don’t know.

Can a beverage save the world?
…Not a chance.

But sometimes all we need that lead domino.
An invitation to unlearn to relearn.
A healthy habit, that leads to a healthy mind,
because everything—from how we treat ourselves to how we treat each other to how we treat the planet—starts with a healthier within.

So drink different,
you might just start thinking different too.

And that's a good thing.

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