Cutting a tree near the house. Potong pohon Lamtoro Gung di samping teras rumah.
Drink Relax Drink Relax
924 subscribers

 Published On Premiered May 29, 2024

Motong pohon Lamtoro Gung yang tumbuh persis disamping teras rumah. Batangnya sudah cukup tinggi sekitar 6 meter. Masalahnya pohon itu tumbuh ke arah atap rumah sehingga akan membahayakan jika ada angin kencang. Selain itu daun-daunnya juga rontok di atas atap, bikin kotor atap.
Pohon ini harus ditarik ketika dipotong supaya tidak roboh ke arah atap rumah.
Saya pakai gergaji rantai dengan tenaga baterai. Awalnya saya salah pasang rantai gergaji. Terbalik bagian yang depan ke belakang sehingga tidak gigit. Setelah saya betulkan baru bisa berfungsi dengan cukup baik.
Cut the Lamtoro Gung tree that grows right next to the terrace of the house. The stem is quite high, around 6 meters. The problem is that the tree grows towards the roof of the house so it will be dangerous if there are strong winds. Apart from that, the leaves also fall on the roof, making the roof dirty.
This tree must be pulled when cut so that it does not fall onto the roof of the house.
I use a chain saw with battery power. At first I installed the saw chain incorrectly. Flip the front to the back so it doesn't bite. After I fixed it, it worked quite well.

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