Composed October 6, 2024
Amanda Ferguson Amanda Ferguson
29 subscribers

 Published On Oct 6, 2024

It’s very important for me to share the story behind my piano playing and why I am sharing these songs. I desire above all else to point people to Jesus. I pray for those who hear the music that they will feel the power of the Holy Spirit working in their own hearts.

I was blessed to receive piano lessons during my childhood, but no matter how much I practiced, I could never train my brain to see all the notes on the page and communicate it to my fingers. So I hid my “little gift”. But deep down inside, I dreamed of being able to just sit down at the piano and compose the music I could feel in the depths of my heart.

Fast forward 35 years from my childhood beginnings to December 2021 when I was blessed with an old grand piano. I was truly humbled and at the same time very ashamed that for all these years I had refused to play the piano because I was embarrassed at my lack of ability. I wept and asked God to forgive me for hiding the gift He had given me. I told God that I would give Him what little I had and He could use me however He wanted, even if I looked silly to others.

The day after having this conversation with God, I sat at the piano and thanked Him for giving me the ability to play and for giving me any opportunity to bless others with music. What came next was truly unexpected. I started playing random notes and those notes actually sounded good. I wept as I played because what my fingers were doing was beyond my natural ability. After the song ended, I clearly heard the Lord speak to me. He simply said “thank you”. I knew exactly what He meant. Because I chose to give God my little bit (my little loaves and fishes) He was able to multiply my little and make it into much.

It’s been over 2 years now that I have been composing music that is clearly not the product of decades of devoted practice or a natural ability to play. It is God who has blessed me and taken my little “loaves and fishes” and multiplied it into original, heart felt songs.

So the purpose of putting these songs out there is not to go viral on social media or to see how many likes I can get. I desire above all else to give God the glory for what He is doing through me (a surrendered, broken vessel) and to reach at least one person and share the peace, hope, love, joy, and forgiveness that I have found in a relationship with Jesus.

So whoever is reading this, know that God loves you SO MUCH!!! That’s why He sent His Son Jesus to die for you. It might not seem like He sees you, or hears you, or cares about you. But He does!!! He hears your heart’s cry and He answers you when you least expect it. Don’t give up hope.

May this music bless you and make you feel God’s unending love for you. He will go to the darkest places to rescue you. You can never be too far away for God to reach you. Let Jesus have access to your life and just walk out life’s journey with Him: believe in Him, trust Him with your life, accept His forgiveness of your past, present, and future sins; give Him your fears, worries, weaknesses, doubts, pride, anger, hate, jealousy, bitterness, hurts, brokenness, insecurity, anxiety, and addictions. Let Him love on you and free you from the burden of those things. Let Him begin to heal all those places in your heart and life that seem impossible to bring life back to. In our own human effort, it is impossible, but with God all things are possible for those who love Him.

Allow Jesus to truly become your Lord and Savior. It only takes a little mustard seed of faith. Life’s circumstances may not change, but you will have a peace, hope and joy that can only be explained by the surrendered trust you have in Jesus and His unconditional love for you. Then tell others what He has done for you. You won’t be able to hold it in. They will be amazed and will put their trust in Jesus too.

Psalm 40:1-3
“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.”

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