Celeste Strawberry Jam Collab - Clockwork Full Clear Playthrough
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 Published On Feb 17, 2023

This video showcases the Celeste map I designed for the Strawberry Jam Collaboration, Clockwork.
Download the Strawberry Jam Collab here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/424541

Having the opportunity to make this map and be a part of such a fantastic collaboration has been an amazing experience that I don't think I'll ever forget. I'll probably go into more detail in future dev commentary videos, but I'm so proud of what we were all able to make together. I think this collab is something truly special and I'm so glad to have left a positive impact on it.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make this map a reality! I couldn't have done it without you all and I'm incredibly proud of how this turned out in the end! In alphabetical order, thanks go out to:

Bissy - for all the positivity you've given me and for, of course, actually managing the project! You've put so much work into ensuring this collab is as good as it can be and I admire that so much. You've been such a huge inspiration to me and I can't thank you enough for even making this project a reality.
BossSauce - for decorating the entire map within like a few days! You've got some serious passion for this kind of thing, and you do a great job with it too! I really like how the map ended up looking!
coloursofnoise - for coding the Input Flag Controller used to design the watchtower rooms! Thanks for not only getting the code finished within a short time frame, but also stopping me from requesting a much more complicated version of the code that would've done the same thing LOL
Dr. Pufferfeesh - for powering through to make 35 different decals for the map! Although most of them were different gear renditions, I'm still really thankful that you were willing to go through all this effort as well as sit through all the feedback I had! (Really sorry if I got a bit annoying with that feedback, by the way...)
Ezel - for taking on the task of captaining this map during its development! You were someone I could always rely on for any assistance I needed and your clear visions for the Expert difficulty helped steer me in the right direction when making rooms!
Firefox529 - for offering playtesting feedback and for being the one that introduced me to the Celeste community as a whole. I still remember the day you asked me to join a VC where you were screensharing Claustrophobia from Spring Collab. I hadn't played the game in quite a while, so learning about such a large modding project piqued my interest a bit. That interest led to me spending hundreds of hours completing all of Spring Collab and THOUSANDS of more hours playing different Celeste mods. Let's also not forget that you were the one who convinced me to even join Strawberry Jam as a mapper! More than anything though, thanks for being such a great friend over the past few years and having faith in me as a person.
Owen Shirrell - Hello Shirrell, thanks for offering some playtesting and TONS of moral support throughout the collab! I really mean it when I say your contributions were very helpful in this project; you not only helped me out a lot, but I think tons of other people would agree that you've been super helpful to them as well! You've also been a really cool friend to talk with and I hope we continue to stay in touch after this project ends.
OwenProGolfer - for being the first person to provide me with playtesting feedback! Even if you didn't stick around in the collab as long as some other playtesters, I still think your feedback was very valuable and I would always take it into consideration when designing future rooms.
Phrog - for designing the tilesets and stylegrounds used in the map! That couldn't have been an easy task, but you did a really good job with it! Everything you made looks really cool and brings such a sick vibe to the map!
SSM24 - for being the second playtester alongside OwenProGolfer to provide playtesting feedback! You really helped me hammer out some of the more awkward gameplay segments and make the gameplay as smooth as it could be!
TiltTheStars - for creating the custom switch gate sprites without me having to ask! They all look really cool and seeing them made at the start of "expert week" was such a nice surprise!
usuyus - for producing the banger music which plays in the map! (And for bearing with my lack of any musical knowledge when giving feedback to your WIP tracks lol)
vexastrae - for designing that AMAZING clock decal which shows up at the end of the map!! (And also for designing some other decals which show up throughout the map!)

Lastly, thanks to anyone else who offered support while I made this map! I'm not a very confident person and set my standards very high, so I often felt like the rooms I created weren't any good. However, seeing you all make positive comments whenever I posted a new video of the map really lifted my spirits and encouraged me to keep going. Thank you all so much, you guys are the reason this was called the Strawberry Jam "Collab."

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