Operation Iron Bastion - Arma Reforger
ARMA Reforger - Shadow Divison ARMA Reforger - Shadow Divison
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 Published On Jun 30, 2024

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Operation Iron Bastion

Securing Strategic Victories
Following the triumph of Operation Storm Surge, the Shadow Division successfully liberated Entre Duex and secured the vital military site near Fisherman's Bay. This decisive action prevented the enemy from reinforcing Montignac, allowing the Freedom and Independence Army (FIA) to reclaim the city from occupying forces.

The Looming Threat
Despite these victories, the enemy has begun amassing a substantial force in southern Everon, preparing for a counteroffensive aimed at crushing the FIA resistance HQ located at Calvary Hill. Intelligence reports indicate that the enemy's strategy involves a multi-pronged attack designed to reclaim lost territory and break the morale of the FIA and their allies.

Defensive Preparations
Recognizing the strategic importance of Calvary Hill, Shadow Division has been tasked with aiding the FIA in its defense against the impending enemy assault. Holding Calvary Hill is crucial; its elevation and fortifications make it a natural stronghold, essential for maintaining control over the surrounding region.

The Battle for Caverly Hill
As the enemy forces advance, Shadow Division and FIA troops must fortify their positions on Calvary Hill. The defenders prepare for a fierce confrontation, knowing that the outcome of this battle will significantly influence the broader campaign in Everon.

Turning the Tide
Once the defensive stand at Calvary Hill is secured, Shadow Division's mission will shift to eliminating the enemy's nearby staging FOBs. These forward operating bases are critical for the enemy's supply lines and coordination. By dismantling these FOBs, the Shadow Division aims to cripple the enemy's operational capabilities and prevent further assaults.

Conclusion: Steadfast Resolve
Operation Iron Bastion marks a pivotal moment in the Everon campaign. The defense of Calvary Hill and the subsequent offensive against enemy staging areas are vital to maintaining the momentum gained by recent victories. Shadow Division, standing shoulder to shoulder with FIA forces, is committed to repelling the enemy's counterattack and securing a lasting foothold in Everon. The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but the resolve and resilience of Shadow Division will drive them toward ultimate victory.

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