Planet - Colony TOP 7 facts of the settling of the Earth
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 Published On Nov 3, 2019

earth planet... We seem to know everything about her. But in this collection there will be such facts after which Ridley Scott's Star Engineers will seem to you just children in a sandbox.

Let's get started!

In the biochemical exchange of terrestrial life plays an unnecessarily important role chemical element, which on our planet is too small, ie almost no. It's molybdenum. The most likely explanation for this phenomenon is that life originally originated in another world, on another planet, where molybdenum was much more than on Earth and where its role, unreasonably important in the conditions of our planet, was more justified.

In addition to this, the American scientist Schroeder as a result of many years of research has discovered a number of chemical elements, which are also extremely small on Earth, but even a relatively large increase in the dose of which in the ground, not only does not harm plants, as it usually happens,but even prolongs their life. These elements include: Nickel, manganese, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum.

It should also be added to the fact that the composition of the human body includes a variety of chemicals, representing almost the entire periodic table, but only fourteen of them have been recognized as vital, among which there are the aforementioned Nickel, manganese, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum, as well as cobalt, selenium and fluorine.

Such a divergence of the chemical composition of our planet with a completely different percentage distribution and set of elements necessary for the existence of existing life forms on it, looks inexplicable.

But if we accept the hypothesis of the extraterrestrial origin of all "terrestrial" life, then everything will fall into place.

Some terrestrial plants consume the maximum energy of the Sun in a different part of the spectrum than this star emits. They behave as if they had passed the evolutionary path of development on the planets of another star, the maximum radiation of which is shifted towards higher frequencies, which corresponds, for example, to Sirius.

According to these graphs, the ancestral home of terrestrial plants should be near the star, which on the Herschprung-Russell scale belongs to the class of stars "AO" and luminosity VI-white bright subcarlics, while the Sun belongs to the class of stars "G2" and luminosity V - yellow stars.

This may indicate that certain species of plants and animals have been adapted to the conditions of the earth's climatic zones from other planets.

Some food crops do not have wild ancestors, such as corn. It cannot reproduce by self-seeding and run wild, it needs an intelligent being to reproduce. According to myths, a long time ago, this cereal was given to people by beings who descended from heaven, whom earthlings considered gods.

That's what George wells Beadle, American geneticist, winner of the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine in 1958, said:

"There's a strange genetic cocktail in corn. And to find the exact progenitor of this plant on the planet Earth is impossible.”

With wheat, too, all very, very strange.

Russian scientist Nikolai Vavilov as a result of a global study of different types of wheat has established as many as three independent from each other places of origin of this culture. Syria and Palestine were the birthplace of "wild" wheat and single-grain wheat; Abyssinia, or Ethiopia, the birthplace of hard wheat; and the foothills of the Himalayas, the center of origin of soft wheat.

As Vavilov wrote in his work "a Few remarks on the problem of the origin of wheat":

"It is very significant that in Abyssinia, where the maximum of the primary varietal diversity of 28-chromosome cultivated wheat is concluded, all the main wild relatives of wheat are completely absent. This fact leads to the need to revise our ideas about the process of origin of cultivated plants...”

At the same time, the difference between the types of wheat is huge: single-grain wheat has 14 chromosomes; "wild" and hard wheat-28 chromosomes; soft wheat has 42 chromosomes.

For the double and triple chromosome set of relevant methods and techniques that are incompatible with the primitive selection, up-to-intervention at the gene level.

At the same time, even the earliest archaeological finds already reveal a "ready-made" variety of wheat species...

A similar picture of the" isolation "of cultural species from the regions of distribution of their "wild" forms is observed in a number of plants - barley, peas, chickpeas, flax, carrots and others.

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