特種兵電影: 退役特種兵獨闖龍潭虎穴救女,幹翻整個僱傭兵軍團!動作片 中國電影 HD
Moxi Movie Channel Official 模晰官方電影頻道 Moxi Movie Channel Official 模晰官方電影頻道
455K subscribers

 Published On Premiered May 2, 2024

故事簡介: 特種兵戰爭動作電影講述一對中國特工小隊空降任務地點,抓捕正在叢林深處交易的神秘軍火組織AIC黑衣人和國際毒販,並拯救被綁架的中國富商,然而卻中了黑衣人的圈套,導致了副隊長的犧牲,自責的隊長馬峰退出了特工組,過起了渾渾噩噩的生活;十幾年後帶著仇恨而來的恐怖組織頭目東加和當年的黑衣人合作,盯住了馬峰和他的女兒馬小潔,一場精彩對決即將上演...

Synopsis: The Special Forces War Action Movie tells that a Chinese Special Force Team lands on the mission site to arrest the mysterious arms organization AIC in black and international drug dealers who are trading in the deep jungle, and rescue the kidnapped rich Chinese businessman. However, they are trapped by the men in black, which leads to the death of the vice captain. The self-reproached captain Ma Feng leaves the Special Force team and lives a muddled life. More than ten years later, Tonga, the leader of the terrorist organization who comes back with hatred, cooperates with the men in black and aims Ma Feng and his daughter Ma Xiaojie. A suspenseful clash is going to happen...

出品 Studio: 北京華語盛世 Hua Yu Sheng Shi Media, 光墨文化 Gammar Media.
製片人 Produced by: 何夢新 He Mengxin.
導演 Directed by: 賈真 Jia Zhen.
編劇 Screenplay by: 賈真 Jia Zhen.
主演 Starring: 王雷方 Wang Leifang, 巴薩 Basa.
題材 Genres: #戰爭 #war #動作 #action #軍事 #military

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3, 模晰官方電影頻道 Moxi Movie Channel Official :
   / @moximovie  

4, 模晰青春情感影院 Moxi Youth & Love Theater
   / @moximovie2  

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   / @moximusic  

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