Watch How Artisans Transform Wood into a Gorgeous Dotar!Musical instruments that you have not seen
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 Published On Jan 24, 2023

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Introduction of dotar instrument and its history

It is a two-string instrument from the tanbur family and has two strings. There are several different types of dotar in the regions between Turkey and Central Asia and sometimes it has other names such as tanbur or similar names.

This instrument is also played in Iran and other regions of Central Asia such as Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. In this article, we intend to introduce you to the dotar instrument and tell a part of the history of this ancient instrument.

Many believe that the dotar is the ancestor of the two instruments, the tambor and the three tar. Tambour itself is a very old instrument. Therefore, we can guess how old Dotar can be. The sound box of this instrument is pear-shaped and attached to a longer handle.

As the name suggests, this instrument has two strings. Due to the fact that most shepherds played double strings, double strings were originally made of gut. After the arrival of silk in Iran, the silk threads became twin wires. Today, steel wires are used. Some believe that one double string is male and the chord is double and the other string is female and they play the main melody with it.

The style of playing dotar is mostly similar in all different regions; But the personal styles and techniques of musicians, along with the different forms of the dotar, create different sounds from this amazing instrument.

The two-string instrument is usually played solo. This instrument has a warm sound and is similar to other instruments such as three strings or tambur. Many complex songs can only be played with two two-string instruments. The simplicity of this instrument and the ability of musicians such as Haj Qurban Soleimani, Nazarli Mahjoubi and Osman Mohammadparast surprise the world.

Dotar, like most Iranian instruments, is made of mulberry wood. Mulberry wood has acoustic properties and some believe that mulberry wood has a special cohesion that prevents the instrument from falling apart. The tree used for the dotar instrument must be free from pests and must not have experienced many droughts during its lifetime; Because the core of the mulberry tree is severely damaged by drought.

The suitable diameter of the desired tree for making bowls should be at least 40 to 50 cm. If it is good quality wood, you can make four dotar bowls with this wood. Haj Hossein Ali Ghamkhar, one of the most famous dotar musicians, believes that the best time to cut a mulberry tree is in the winter season.

When humidity is high, moisture prevents wood from cracking. After cutting and preparing the wood, it is placed under the plastic so that the moisture of the wood is slowly and gradually removed until the month of June and within a few months.

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