Travis Cheddar Travis Cheddar
730 subscribers

 Published On Oct 27, 2021

"I'm a big fan of ice!," is apparently my anesthesia battlecry. I finally saw a doctor a few weeks ago about my GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). He recommended I get an EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - say that three times fast), a simple procedure where they stick a tube down your throat with cameras to see what's going on. I thought for sure that I would have some sort of esophageal damage due to years of chronic acid reflux, but somehow I had none. I've gotten my acid reflux under control for the most part as of late but it pretty much went unchecked for about 4 years. I don't recommend letting that happen for a number of reasons.

It was so bad at points that I vomited in my sleep and even inhaled stomach acid into my lungs which to this day is one of the worst experiences of my entire life. Don't recommend it.

I'm overweight, but I'm not enormous by any means. Yet, I had way more issues with acid reflux than other people I know who are larger than I am. Sometimes it's anatomy, it could be an underlying condition like a hidden hernia, or it could be your diet in general. I've started focusing on eating better overall and one of the biggest changes I've noticed was when I started taking a prebiotic probiotic combo every day. If I forget my pill for the day, I will immediately be reminded that evening. I also cut out super acidic things from my diet like coffee.

One more suggestion, stop taking antacids. My own doctor tried prescribing me antacids after I told him directly two minutes earlier that I took antacids for years and they only made the problem worse, which they absolutely do. They provide you with immediate relief but they make the problem worse overall. On top of that, some people with acid reflux issues actually have a lack of stomach acid which is causing the problem. Taking antacids only makes that worse.

In the end, do your own research and go see your doctor if you have chronic acid reflux or GERD. I hesitated for years just out of stubbornness, but I'm glad I finally got checked out to see what was going on and now I know to focus on making the changes I need to for my health.

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