The Lost Secrets of Alexandria
TV Discovery TV Discovery
19.5K subscribers

 Published On Nov 27, 2023

The Lost Secrets of Alexandria

Voices from the Past, the Enigma of the Temple of Knowledge

Welcome, time travelers, to the city of Alexandria, jewel of the ancient world.
I am Eratosthenes of Cyrene, born in the year 276 BCE, under the bright skies of ancient Libya. Mathematician, geographer, astronomer and philosopher, I have dedicated my life to the thirst to know and understand the world around us.
As director of the great Library of Alexandria, I have had the honor of looking after one of the greatest expanses of knowledge ever collected under one roof. Here, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of papyrus scrolls, I studied the heavens, calculated the circumference of our earth with a precision that would defy centuries, and created the first map of the world based on the principles of geography that you barely understand today.
My passion for knowledge is my heritage. Through my works and discoveries, I guide you through this labyrinth of knowledge and mysteries, inviting you to look beyond the stars and set foot on the path of discovery. Let me take you on a journey through time and space, where every question found leads to new riddles, and where knowledge is the ultimate adventure.
Once, these walls housed the greatest treasures of human knowledge. Today, I invite you to explore with me what was and what could have been.
Imagine thousands of papyrus scrolls, rare texts, maps of the known world... But what secrets did these texts conceal? What knowledge have we lost?
And, if these texts had survived, how would our world be different today?
How could such a marvel disappear? Fire, conquest, neglect? The mystery remains.
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World History Encyclopedia

Zero Project
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00:00 - Voices from the Past, the Enigma of the Temple of Knowledge
04:35 - The Origins of the Library of Alexandria
14:27 - The Golden Age of Intellectual Rivalry
21:59 - Alexandria — Cradle of Librarian Knowledge
36:16 - The Fall of the Library of Alexandria

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