十小咒之七|慈悲與靈感的化現《觀音靈感真言》Divine Mantra of Avalokitesvara Om Mani Padme Hum
Chill梵之唄 ChillZen Vibes Chill梵之唄 ChillZen Vibes
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 Published On Sep 16, 2024





此咒的起源雖不可考,但最早見於明朝《嘉興藏》。隨雲棲株宏與蕅益智旭等高僧的推廣,廣泛流傳於禪宗與淨土宗。學者認為,咒語前半為六字大明咒(Om Mani Padme Hum),後半為梵語音譯。


Divine Mantra of Avalokitesvara, is the seventh of the Ten Small Mantras, renowned for its power to relieve suffering and its miraculous efficacy. The origin of this mantra is unknown, and it is said to have been imparted through a dream by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Passed down by revered masters, it is regarded as a precious "terma" (hidden teaching). Due to the rapid response experienced by practitioners after sincerely reciting it, it became known as the Divine Mantra of Avalokitesvara.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, symbolizing infinite compassion and wisdom, has long since attained Buddhahood under the title "Zheng Fa Ming Rulai" (Tathāgata of Right Dharma Radiance). However, Avalokitesvara made a great vow to manifest in countless forms, spanning the ten directions, to save suffering beings. Regardless of the types of calamities, Avalokitesvara responds with compassion, becoming the most reliable refuge in times of distress.

The Divine Mantra of Avalokitesvara is highly revered for its miraculous effects, becoming an important daily recitation for Buddhists. Especially in the morning and evening prayers of Chinese Buddhism, practitioners often recite this mantra to seek relief from disasters, dispel misfortune, and increase merit and wisdom.

Venerable Master Chin Kung once pointed out that disasters arise from negative thoughts, and reciting the Divine Mantra of Avalokitesvara with a pure heart can neutralize these thoughts and eliminate misfortune. Reciting this mantra not only purifies the mind but also enhances wisdom, fulfilling both worldly and spiritual aspirations.

Although the exact origin of this mantra is unclear, it first appeared in the Jiaxing Canon during the Ming Dynasty. With the promotion by esteemed monks such as Yunqi Zhuhong and Ou Yi Zhixu, it became widespread within both Chan and Pure Land schools. Scholars believe that the first part of the mantra corresponds to the Six-Syllable Mantra (Om Mani Padme Hum), while the latter part may be a transliteration of Sanskrit.

Reciting the Divine Mantra of Avalokitesvara is not only a prayer for Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's compassionate protection but also a practice of both internal and external cultivation. Through consistent recitation, practitioners can purify their hearts, accumulate merit, and attain wisdom and peace in their lives. Avalokitesvara's great vow to save sentient beings endures, and reciting this mantra aligns practitioners with this boundless compassion.

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