God's Nature - Butterflies
Francois Keyser Francois Keyser
37 subscribers

 Published On Aug 24, 2024

In this first video of the series titled, "God's nature' we learn about butterflies and how the cycle of their lives can be viewed with meaning in relation to God and his message for us.

The transcript for the video has been posted below:
Welcome to the first episode of God’s nature. These videos will share facts about God’s creatures and nature from an educational perspective while also sharing God’s message relating to the topic.
The topic of today’s episode is butterflies. Butterflies are simply so graceful and beautiful and they flutter through the air so peacefully that we are often mesmerised by them.
I for one always stretch out my hands when I see them hoping they’re going to land on me.
But when we see butterflies, we seldom think of what they were before becoming butterflies. In school we may learn the lifecycle of a butterfly where we learn that it is first a caterpillar after hatching from an egg.
We can view the caterpillar stage of a butterfly’s life cycle as the stage of our lives where we need to learn and gather knowledge. While much of this is learned in school, equally important, if not more so, is our spiritual journey, learning about God and connecting with God’s word on a daily basis. We must make an effort to understand the way he wants us to live and treat others so we can each transform into a butterfly figuratively speaking.
After maturing as a caterpillar, it reaches a point where it needs to transform and so it forms a cocoon and becomes a pupa from which it will later emerge as a butterfly. Sometimes in our lives we may get to a point where it seems that we feel a need to withdraw from life around us. At such times we have reached a stage where we take a long look at our lives and decide we want to make a change because some aspects don’t appear to be working the way we would like them to. We may change habits or routines for the better. When we complete this stage, we are figuratively speaking, ready to emerge from our cocoon with new goals, energy and dreams having shed the unwanted things from our past.
It's a fact that we should never help a butterfly out of its cocoon because the butterfly builds strength in its wings when it emerges from the cocoon and if it does not do so without assistance, it will not have sufficient strength to fly and will die quickly.
This is not unlike the challenges we sometimes experience. There may be times when we feel that the world is falling in on us and no matter where we turn, no one can, or wants to help. At times like these, we need to persevere and remember that perhaps God wants us to struggle alone so that we can grow as individuals and be mentally stronger to deal with future challenges.
So next time you think God is not hearing you, trust that he is beside you and maybe even carrying you through the storm but that he is not helping you enough because he expects you to strengthen your wings so you can fly on your own. He trusts us enough to focus and solve our problems but he will always guide us and give us strength.
While the butterfly life cycle only occurs once for a butterfly, our lives will go through many such cycles figuratively speaking. This is because the Lord wants us to keep growing so we can glorify him in each new version of who we become. He does this by sending us challenges to overcome and grow so we can emerge as an even more beautiful butterfly than we were before.

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