Lives of Sahaba 21 - Uthman b. Affan 1 - Lineage, family & early life - Yasir Qadhi
Memphis Islamic Center (MIC) Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
161K subscribers

 Published On Jan 26, 2016

View all previous videos in this series here:    • Lives of the Sahaba - Series  

In this video, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi begins to cover the life and times of the 3rd Khalifa of Islam, Uthman Ibn 'Affan [r].

A summary of topics covered are:

-His lineage, family and background
-Abu Sufiyan was Uthman [r]'s father's cousin, leader of the Banu Ummaya clan
-Muwaiyah [r] was Uthman [r]'s second cousin
-Uthman [r] was related to the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] in 3 ways:
a) Their great great grandfather was the same
b) The Prophet [pbuh]'s wife, Umm Habiba bint Abu Sufiyan, was his second cousin
c) Arwa, Uthman [r]'s mother, was the Prophet [pbuh]'s first cousin (paternal)
-His Qunya was Abu Amr, later changed to Abu Abdullah after birth of a son
-His Laqab (title/nickname) was Dhun Nurayn (the one with two lights) for having been married to two daughters of the Prophet [pbuh], Ruqayah and Umm Khultum [r].
- His appearance
- His personal life [wives, children]
- His wife, Ruqayah, died on victory day of Badr, due to illness
- His son, Abdullah, passed away near age 6, a few years later
- Uthman [r] turned down Umar's daughter, Hafsa, but accepted the Prophet [pbuh]'s offer of Umm Khultum in marriage [r]
- Umm Khultum [r] passed away near 9 Hijra
- He had a total of 9 sons and 5 daughters, all of them coming after the death of the Prophet [pbuh]
-Prior to Islam, Uthman [r] never participated in alcohol, women or idolatry
-He was a sharp businessman and amassed a lot of wealth
-He was loved by all of Quraysh
-He was the 4th person to accept Islam, after Abu Bakr, Ali and Zayd, guided by Abu Bakr [r]
-He was not physically harmed/tortured by the Quraysh (except 1 incident)
-Uthman and Ruqayah [r] are the 1st batch to make the 1st Hijra to Habasha
-Uthman [r] has always been associated with the preservation, memorization and recitation of the Qur'an
-"Best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it to others" the famous hadith was narrated by Uthman [r]
-"If our hearts were pure, we would never get tired of reading the Quran"
-"I don't like it that a single day goes by without looking at the Quran"
-"Three are the things most beloved to me in this world 1) feeding the hungry, 2) clothing the naked and 3) reading the Quran"
-One of few people who would recite entire Quran in single night. (exception to general advice for Muslims)
-He even died with the Quran near him.

Watch the full video to learn about these stories and much more.

Presentation details: January 13, 2016 @ Memphis Islamic Center

In this series, Lives of the Sahaba, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the lives of the noble companions, some of the greatest and most blessed human beings to ever live after the death of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him [S].

While not a comprehensive history of the Khulafa Ar-Rashidoon, this series will provide a summarized biography of the men and women considered to be the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet [s]), including the Mothers of the Believers (the wives of the Prophet).

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