【20款Zoom线上游戏】线上教学调动课堂积极性必备游戏活动!|如何与具体学科知识点结合?|活动细节及注意事项| 20 synchronous games
Lucy Loves Teaching 美国中文沉浸 Lucy Loves Teaching 美国中文沉浸
25.5K subscribers

 Published On Dec 5, 2020

#Zoom #distance learning #线上教学 #远程教学

Contents of this video:
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - 你划我猜 Act it out!
01:13 - 你说啥 Guess my lip
01:54 - 寻宝游戏 Scavenger Hunt
02:20 - 头顶写字/画画 Write/Draw on your head
03:00 - 猜猜这是谁 Guess Who?
03:27 - 剪刀石头布 Rock Paper Scissors
04:05 - 摇滚明星 Rockstar
04:30 - 虚拟背景 Virtual Background
05:05 - 晨训板 Annotation
05:36 - 伤疤故事 Scar and Story
06:37 - 做鬼脸 Silly Face
07:30 - 奇妙箱 Mystery box
08:23 - 放大镜 Zoom in and Zoom out
09:01 - 传球 Pass the ball
09:57 - 快速回答 Yes or No
10:45 - 计时开始 Set the timer
11:37 - 宾果游戏 Bingo
12:00 - 报数 Count it up
12:56 - 掷骰子 Roll the dice
13:48 - 看看说说 Show and Tell
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感谢你在万千博主中发现了我,关于我 About me~

我是Lucy,海滨小城山东威海是我的家乡,18岁留美,本科就读于密歇根州立大学,主修基础教育英语语言文学方向,MSU教育学院连续26年蝉联全美第一,世界第二仅次于哈佛大学,我以作为一名Spartan骄傲。现居住于美国明尼苏达州,在中文浸入式学校教授一年级。我妈说当我在跟她讲述孩子、教学的时候,眼睛里是有光的,由此开始Youtuber生涯。生活中我喜欢旅行、写手账、读书、烘焙、跳拉丁舞、以及健身。我喜爱韩愈在《师说》当中讲到的:师者,传道受业解惑也。育人,教书同等重要。Lucy、 Loves、 Teaching,我最喜爱的是Loves,爱让所有执着变得值得,与君共勉。

Hey teachers! My name is Lucy. I grew up in a very small coastal city Weihai, Shandong, China. I came to U.S. when I was 18, studying Elementary Education, specialized in English Language Art at Michigan State University. The College of Education has been ranked #1 in the nation for 26 consecutive years, and now MSU is ranked #2 in the world for education. I am so proud of being a Spartan. Go Green! I live in Minnesota, working as a first grade teacher in a Chinese Immersion School. My mom said she can see stars in my eyes while I am talking about teaching and kids, which inspires me to start this channel Lucy Loves Teaching. Other than teaching, I like traveling, bullet journals, reading, baking, ballroom dancing, and work out! I agree with Han Yu’s saying: A teacher should passes down the Dao, imparts professional knowledge, and resolves doubt. Lucy, Loves, Teaching, my favorite is Loves, because love makes all efforts worthwhile. Hope my channel encourage you all.

I upload every Wednesday and Sunday.

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