Jababeka Industrial Talk: Exclusive Webinar, The Innovations and Growth of Biotech Industry
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 Published On Mar 30, 2022

Beragam inovasi sektor industri semakin berkembang, mulai dari digitalisasi hingga virtual reality, termasuk juga Bio-Teknologi. Industri Bio-Tech ini terbukti dinilai sebagai teknologi yang dapat berkontribusi pada pembangunan industri berkelanjutan yang memberikan dampak yang positif di berbagai sektor, seperti pertanian, kedokteran hewan, obat-obatan, farmasi dan produksi bahan kimia, salah satu contohnya adalah jamu.

Bio-Tech Cluster menjadi salah satu inovasi dari Jababeka Industrial Estate yang sedang dikembangkan dan dibangun di Jababeka E-Commerce Industrial Park. Industrial Talk kali ini langsung dihadiri oleh Charles Saerang selaku Pakar Jamu Nasional & Advisor PT Jaya Mitra Kemilau dan Indria Sidarta selaku CEO of Abhati Group dan yang akan sharing mengenai Bio-Tech Industry baik dari potensi bisnis dan market jamu produk Abhati Group dalam industri Bioteknologi, faktor pendorong pasar bioteknologi, inovasi yang dapat dilakukan dari sisi perkembangan Jamu dan Chemical Products dan juga memberikan arahan mengenai persiapan dari rencana Bio-Tech Cluster di Jababeka agar dapat mencapai kesuksesan.

Various innovations in the industrial sector are growing, ranging from digitalization to virtual reality, including Bio-Technology. The Bio-Tech industry is proven to be valued as a technology that can contribute to sustainable industrial development that has a positive impact in various sectors, such as agriculture, veterinary medicine, medicine, pharmaceuticals and chemical production, one example of which is herbal medicine.

The Bio-Tech Cluster is one of the innovations by Jababeka Industrial Estate which is being developed and built at Jababeka E-Commerce Industrial Park. The talkshow this time around was directly attended by Charles Saerang as National Herbal Medicine Expert & Advisor of PT Jaya Mitra Kemilau and Indria Sidarta as CEO of Abhati Group and who will share about the Bio-Tech Industry both from the business potential and market for Abhati Group herbal products in the Biotechnology industry, factors drivers of the biotechnology market, innovations that can be made in terms of the development of Herbal Medicine and Chemical Products and also provide direction on the preparation of the Bio-Tech Cluster plan in Jababeka in order to achieve success.

For further information, contact us!
JEDi HUB - Jababeka E-Commerce Digital Hub
Whatsapp:(+62) 812-8309-0900
Phone: (021) 893-4350
Site: www.jababekaindustrial.com

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