【MV】刀郎 Dao Lang 【镜听 Mirror Listening】【山歌寥哉 There are few folk songs】
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 Published On Oct 11, 2023

Translated by ck 2023-08-11
1. Mirror Hearing, Eve :
A method of divination in the old days whereby a mirror is used to foretoken the outcome of personal wishes. The way to do it is first pray to the kitchen god with a mirror on the Eve of Chinese New Year, then go out at night with the mirror hidden under your clothes. The first utterance you overhear from any random person will augur the outcome of your wishes.

2. Raven, Elf :
Raven is an intelligent bird which can mimic human speech, and is believed by both the Eastern and Western cultures to be a link between the supernatural and earthly worlds, and can provide omens for things to come.

Elf, imp, troll, goblin and the likes : Supernatural creatures of folk tales in various cultures. Typically they are represented as small, elusive figures in human form with pointed ears, and reside in deep forests or mountains. They have magical powers and a capricious and mischievous nature, and like to play tricks on humans.

In this song, I interpret the elf to be a metaphor for cheating : the woman is cheating herself into believing her husband is still alive, and that he is on his way back.

3. Jinchuan War :
A major war between the Qing Dynasty and some rebellious local chiefdoms in northwestern Sichuan Province. The first campaign (C.E. 1747–49) was inconclusive. The second campaign (C.E. 1771–76) ended with Qing's victory and total conquest of the Jinchuan region.

4. The wind : In Chinese folk beliefs, a sourceless wind inside an enclosure such a home or cave is an omen of something supernatural. In this song, the wind suggests the arrival of the spirit of the woman's husband who presumably had died in the war long ago.

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse.


•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————•
1 [ 0:19/0:23/0:27/0:30 ]

因为梦 - 没有 - 留下种子 (9)
Sign of hope - in her - dreams but absent, (9)

镜光嘲笑 - 她的发丝 (8)
Mirror mocks her - gray hair often. (8)

所以 - 守候在 - 除夕 (7)
On this - Eve with mirror - omen, (8)

期待渡鸦的 - 只言片语 (9)
She waits for a word - from the raven. (9)

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————•
2 [ 0:43/0:47/0:51/0:54 ]

天青地黑 ,- 万籁俱寂 (8)
The sky's pitch dark, - all is silent, (8)

没有 - 踪迹 (4)
No trace - of raven. (5)

她早已经在 - 镜中 (7)
From the mirror she's - discerned, (7)

给了未来 - 以定义 (7)
What's the future - foretokened. (7)

•—————[ Stanzas 3, 6 • Interlude ]—————•
3 [1:05¦1:09¦1:13¦1:17¦1:21¦1:24¦1:28]
6 [2:41¦2:45¦2:49¦2:53¦2:57¦3:00¦3:04]

山魈让她 - 等一等 (7)
The elf tells her to - hold and wait.. (8)

星夜兼程 - 的情人 (7)
Through the starry night - her man hastes. (8)

他正越过 - 沉睡的边镇 (9)
Border cities - in sleep he's crossing, (9)

唤醒宵 - 禁 - 的新城 (7)
New towns in - curfew - he's waking. (8)

他带来原野 (5)
He'll bring in calm lands, (5)

他带来穹隆 (5)
He'll bring in blue skies, (5)

赤裸的穹隆 (5)
The serene blue skies. (5)

•—————————[ Stanza 4 ]—————————•
4 [ 1:51/1:55/1:59/2:03 ]

她的 - 身体是 - 无名的 - 身体 (10)
Without - husband she's - a nameless - body, (10)

女萝 - 依依 - 的浮萍 (7)
Like the - usnea - without a tree. (8)

她的 - 遗忘从 - 未占有 - 遗忘 (10)
She tries - to forget - but never - succeeds, (10)

野火 - 春风 - 草离离 (7)
Yearning - grows like - wild spring weeds. (7)

•—————————[ Stanza 5 ]—————————•
5 [2:07¦2:11¦2:15¦2:19¦2:23¦2:26¦2:30]

一更鼓 - 儿天呀 (6)
Evening - clock's sounding, (6)

一更鼓 - 儿天 (5)
Evening - clock's sounding. (6)

这一去 - 金川 (5)
Jinchuan War - he was sent in, (7)

十呀么 - 十八年 (6)
Eighteen years - it has been. (6)

他带来原野 (5)
He'll bring in calm lands, (5)

他带来穹隆 (5)
He'll bring in blue skies, (5)

赤裸的穹隆 (5)
The serene blue skies. (5)

•—————————[ Stanza 7 ]—————————•
7 [ 3:31/3:35/3:39/3:43 ]

二更鼓 - 儿敲 (5)
Pre-midnight - clock's knocking, (6)

二更鼓 - 儿敲 (5)
Pre-midnight - clock's knocking. (6)

敲得 - 泪珠儿 (5)
Knocking off - her tears, (5)

对对 - 往下掉 (5)
Freely - down-rolling. (5)

•———————[ Stanza 8 : Duet ]———————•
8 [ 3:47/3:51/3:55/3:59 ]

三更鼓 - 儿咚 (5)
Midnight clock - is striking, (6)
[ 她的 - 身体是 - 无名的 - 身体 ] (10)
[ Without - husband she's - a nameless - body, ] (10)

三更鼓 - 儿咚咚 (6)
Midnight clock - is striking. (6)
[ 女萝 - 依依 - 的浮萍 ] (7)
[ Like the - usnea - without a tree. ] (8)

窗棂 - 不动 (4)
Window panes - not moving, (6)
[ 她的 - 遗忘从 - 未占有 - 遗忘 ] (10)
[ She tries - to forget - but never - succeeds, ] (10)

哪里来的风? (5)
From where comes the wind? (5)
[ 野火 - 春风 - 草离离 ] (7)
[ Yearning - grows like - wild spring weeds. ] (7)

•—————————[ Stanza 9 ]—————————•
9 [ 4:03/4:07/4:11 ]

四更鼓 - 儿催呀 (6)
Pre-dawn clock - is calling, (6)

四更鼓 - 儿催 (5)
Pre-dawn clock - is calling. (6)

天上 - 鸿雁 - 往南飞... (7)
To her - loved one - her soul's flying... (8)
(or, straight translation) :
With snow geese - her soul's - south-bounding... (8)

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