Rallarvegen/Flåmsbanen norways most popular bicycle route
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 Published On Aug 20, 2010

Rallarvegen, following the outskirts of the Hardangervidda Plateau, leads you along the Bergen Railway Line from Haugastøl via Finse, Hallingskeid, Myrdal and down to Flåm. It is also possible to follow the road down to Voss. The road by itself is an attraction, but it also brings you through a fantastic highland area starting at 1000 meters above sea level(a.s.l.), peaking at 1300 meters for then to lead you back down to the fjords at sea level.

The construction route known as the «Rallarvegen» is a 100-year-old man-built transport road designed for the conveyance of men and materials during the building phase of the most mountainous sector of the Oslo - Bergen Railway Line.

The railway constructors' road is a cultural and historic monument. From this road you will at all time keep in touch with, and see the Bergen Line which was opened in 1909. You will discover painstakingly detailed work in stone and earth, carried out by a labor force which at its peak comprised 2400 men. You will see Line Inspectors' houses of high architectural caliber and get an impression of Norway's loftiest place of employment from 1900 to 1964.

The train journey provides some of Norway´s wildest and most magnificent scenery. On the 20 km-long train ride you can see rivers that cut through deep ravines, waterfalls cascade down the side of steep, snow-capped mountains and mountain farms cling dizzily to sheer slopes.

The Flåm Railway is one of the worlds steepest railway lines on normal gauge. The gradient is 55/1000 on almost 80% of the line, i.e. a gradient of one in eighteen. The twisting tunnels that spiral in and out of the mountain are manifestations of the most daring and skilful engineering in Norwegian railway history.

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