DICK SCHWARTZ on IFS, Psychedelics, and the Spirit World!
Living Medicine Institute Living Medicine Institute
671 subscribers

 Published On May 22, 2024

Not what you expect!

We are excited to share this groundbreaking interview with Dick Schwartz, one of the founding fathers of current psychotherapy and creator of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) method of psychotherapy used in the MAPS-sponsored MDMA trials.

In this fascinating conversation, Dick discusses for one of the first times the spiritual implications of working with parts of self. In line with many traditions of the ancient world, we appear to have many parts that we are not consciously aware of. Though most of those parts belong to us, and are best integrated and healed, some parts do not. It is these that need to be removed, and their apparent sentient nature shakes up much of what current, scientific psychology is willing to see and accept.

No matter what your views, you will be fascinated by Dick’s honest report of his decades of experience working first-hand at the crossroads of psychology and spirituality. Clinical evidence has shown that IFS works, and it is one of the most widely trained psychotherapy interventions today. We cannot, then, easily dismiss Dick’s wealth of clinical experience. The implications of this conversation are immense and only beginning to be understood.

Deep gratitude to both Dick and his guides for their willingness and clarity in giving this thirsted-for guidance to the psychedelic provider community.

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