The Amazing Story of Flt Lt David Lord VC DFC. The Dakota Hero
The Northern Historian The Northern Historian
35.8K subscribers

 Published On Mar 5, 2024

Explore the extraordinary life and heroism of Flt Lt David Lord VC, DFC, a brave transport pilot in the Royal Air Force during World War II. In this compelling video, we delve into the remarkable story of David Samuel Anthony Lord, born on October 18, 1913, and awarded the prestigious Victoria Cross (VC) posthumously.

Join us as we recount the gripping events of the Battle of Arnhem, where Lord displayed unparalleled gallantry in the face of the enemy while conducting resupply missions to support British paratroops. His unwavering courage and dedication to duty earned him the highest honor for bravery.

In this tribute to a true war hero, we'll uncover the details of Flt Lt David Lord's VC and DFC awards, shedding light on his contributions and sacrifices for the British and Commonwealth forces. Don't miss the chance to learn about this unsung hero and the pivotal role he played during one of the most critical battles of World War II.

If you're passionate about history and heroism, hit the like button, subscribe for more compelling stories, and share this video to ensure the legacy of Flt Lt David Lord VC lives on
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Item ID: 34HCQPK
Author Username: MrOrangeAudio
Licensee: Steve Garrett
Registered Project Name: Flt Lt David Lord VC
License Date: March 4th, 2024
Item License Code: JZH4MC29GW

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Item Title: Sentimental Film Piano
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Author Username: LukePN
Licensee: Steve Garrett
Registered Project Name: Flt Lt David Lord VC
License Date: March 4th, 2024
Item License Code: S683UFKZPH

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