How to Grow Baby Cucumber in Recycled Plastic Bottle at Home, No Fertilizer, Harvest in 2 Months
No Sweat Gardening No Sweat Gardening
2.94K subscribers

 Published On Jul 9, 2024

For the container, we use a 15 L recycled plastic bottle, you can use any brand
cut the top but not all the way through so it can be opened and closed like this
punch holes in the bottom and sides for aeration and removing excess water
The planting medium is a 1:1 mixture of soil and compost no additional fertilizer needed
put 3 mini cucumber seeds in each container
we skip temporary seeding container and go straight to final container
why? I will explain later in the video
then put them in a shaded area

after 1 month the plants are ready to be moved to an area exposed to direct sunlight
For each container we take only 1 plant with the best growth, discard the rests
Then we add support for the plants to grow upright
And this is the advantage of skipping temporary seeding period
So usually planting is done by seeding first in a small cup in shaded area,
then once it is big enough, it is moved to soil or a final container
because, newly grown seeds cannot withstand full direct sunlight
This method is great if we are going to plant them in field, because it is immovable
but the disadvantage is, some plants will not survive
Even if they do, the growth will be hampered for about 1-2 weeks for adaptation

So, by planting in a moveable container like this, we can plant the seeds directly there
put them in a shady place first, then when they're big enough, move them to a place with direct sunlight
without adaptation period
and you can see the difference here
In just 7 weeks the plants have started to bear fruit
Normally the seeding period + planting period takes around 12 weeks
some of the cucumber are getting bigger
it's time to do some pruning
Cut off any leaves that have started to turn yellow
Also cut the 2 branches from the bottom that do not bear fruit
but if they bear fruit, don't cut them

after 8 weeks the fruits are big and ready to be harvested
It's best to harvest before the fruit is ripe, because when it's ripe it tastes a bit sour
they are beautiful and pleasing to look at
Pest free too, even though we didn't use any pesticides
and no additional fertilizer at all, fully organic
there are many baby cucumber left that are not ready to be harvested yet, let them grow bigger
For this first harvest, there are usually 2-3 fruits per plant
the next one will be more abundant, but there are tips to know

a week later we harvest again and there are more fruits per tree
but if you let too many fruits grow big at the same time, the results won't be good
As a comparison, this plant has 6 fruits that grow big at the same time
the shape is not good and also smaller
if we compare to this one, where we only allow 2-3 fruits to grow big at the same time
the results are better
We will continue to harvest for 1 - 1.5 months
easy isn't it? see you in the next video

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