Krisyeollie_Virus Krisyeollie_Virus
1.29K subscribers

 Published On Jan 15, 2014

just pure love.....
friendly reminder: too sweet to watch , too sweet to eat
cautious of teeth decay TTTTTTTTTTTT
krisyeol's always my fav. and kris is just soooo nice to my baby yeollie TT
i ship this cp the most i am so desperately to make some krisyeol shippers XD so pls leave ur comment ~~~
i found this essay on internet
"1) Language Barrier.

We all know that Chanyeol doesn't know mandarin or english too well else than the basics and Kris from what I see (personally think tho) is weak in hangul compared to others. Oh, Tao too, but he did talk a lot in any Korean variety show. Maybe it is because Kris is Mr. Cool that he talks less but that, I will describe in another part. So basically, they are from different country, different mother tongue language and all. That's why it is so precious whenever they interact with each other. Chanyeol, in a variety show (I can't remember what but there is) did say that Kris's korean is pretty weak and he is the hardest person to communicate but it is such a heart warming sight when they talk to each other despite of the language barrier.

But now that Kris's korean is getting good, there will be no problem for Chanyeol to communicate with Kris and they'll talk more :)

2) Different Personality.

Yes, yes yes, you get this a lot I know and I don't think I need to describe everything in this point because it is very well-known among Krisyeol shippers but, I will describe it briefly. Chanyeol is happy go lucky, loud, playful and has the biggest, warmest smile I could ever see. Kris looks cold but he isn't, I can see that but it's hard to explain but whatever it is he just looks all cold like 'Hello, I'm Mr. Ice Prince and I'm cool, yeah,' but his smile always melt my- no, his fans heart. It looks somehow awkward but his exposed pink gums makes his smile, overall, adorable. Believe it or not, I found Kris adorable behind his handsomeness. Okay, okay, back to the point. So, some maybe thought that through similarities is where we find our soul mate that we can be perfect and live happily ever after. But for me, it's not. I prefer adventure, mystery and roller coaster live and Krisyeol gives me just the perfect feeling and imagination of my love live that I want. Opposite, different personality between two person leads us to learn more about each other, to do a little homework on what he likes, he doesn't likes, his hobby and etc. It is like a game, a riddle at the very first time to know about the others, how to make him laugh and all. So, Chanyeol and Kris, basically needs to do a little research, if not research, do a little observation on each other in order to blend well together.

And people, what we see now today is Kris and Chanyeol really blends well with each other. Krisyeol haters and blah blah can't deny that Kris does laugh, smiles and talk a lot whenever Chanyeol is around. Like it or not, they have to admit all this because there's prove everywhere and I'm sure Krisyeol shippers can rub it on their face if they deny it. This means, they already know enough about each other that they can blend well like ying and yang. Kris is the gentleman and Chanyeol is the playful kitty that colours Kris's life.

3) Krisyeol illegal whispers (lol)

Yeah baby, yes. I love love love it whenever they whisper to each other. You can google it up if you would like too. The love to whisper to each other like it is their secret and as if Kris only wants Chanyeol to know and vice versa. No need to describe much, you know it, Krisyeol or non Krisyeol shippers, they whisper to each other a lot. "

that's so fit to my heart:) i hope u enjoy the video

credit to the owner!!!

you're one of a kind
forever leaving behind
a little bit of your love
a little piece of your clear sky
turning on the lights in my heart

and I
I was'nt aware
you came in on the wind
the way a beautiful dream comes back to you
and I'm sure
I've never felt this way before

cos you to me
are all
you're everything but tragic
everything that's good inside me
you're everything I need
dissolving like a dream

do you see what i see
changing all around

you tell me who I am
you tell me what i need
you look at me straight on
looking at me in
some kind of sunstruck way
that I can't quite explain

I'm gonna tell everybody
I'm loving my life
you give me all you have
leaving a smile on my mouth
it's what it's all about
you know I really love love love you

cos you to me
are all
you're everything but tragic
everything that's good inside me
you're all I ever need
dissolving like a dream

do you see what i see
changing all around us
and i'm stepping out of me
stepping into you

you give me love love love
love love love
you give me love love love
I hold my breath I'm waiting waiting for your

love love love........

do you see what I see
stepping in to you

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