Dog Racism
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 Published On Jun 27, 2024

A video about the history of Dog Racism

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Dog Racism Transcript:

Okay today we are going to be looking at dog racism now there are two types of dog racism, type 1 is racism in the form of dogs, things like saying the borzois have let the pitbulls in the dog park to reduce the golden retriever population, that’s just racism using dogs and is a dogwhistle pun intended. The second type of dog racism is actual racism to dogs and different dog breeds which is what we are going to be talking about today. Dog racism is actually a lot more common than you would think unironically and there is quite a big history associated with it, I mean dog breeders have been committing essentially eugenics for hundreds of years now with dog breeds and dog racism is only a couple step before eugenics. In todays video we will be looking at the history of dog racism and the persecution that followed it, as well as highlighting some of historical what I like to call dogroms. That being said I do have to say though that I believe that one breed just shouldn’t exist and that racism to that breed is acceptable. The fact that we have bred them to the stage that they are at is a testament to the horrors of the free will of man, and im talking about the ugly genetic abominations known as the mutant bullies and their variants but we will get to that later in the video. Before we get into that whole mess lets talk about my favourite dog breed the borzoi and why I believe it is one of the biggest victims of dog racism and one of the most underrated breeds. Firstly they are literally dog royalty, the breed was created in 16th century Russia and were quickly adopted by the aristocracy. So much so that most of the time you couldn’t even buy one and they were only made available through gifts from the Tsar at the time. They are a type of sighthound and were used for hunting wolves, yea that’s right wolves, they would work in teams to pin them down by their neck and either wait for the hunter to kill it or release it. Okay so they can take down wolves that must mean they are incredibly aggressive and dangerous? Actually no, they are incredibly calm dogs, they act almost regally being usually seen not heard. Because of their reputation as dogs of royalty they were actually almost brought to extinction by murderous communist revolutionaries during the Russian revolution, if you needed any more reason to hate communists its that they also loved murdering dogs because those dogs made them feel inferior. Fortunately like most things associated with communism, their attempts at extinguishing the breed failed, sparse numbers of the breed remained and with the efforts of a breeding program they managed to make a comeback although still being a rarer breed of dog. So yea a dog that is royalty that is living testimony to the failures of communism will always be cool to me and that’s why its my favourite breed. Our second breed that has faced dog racism that we will be looking at is the dachshund, it’s the eve of WW1 and the breed was quite popular on farms working underground hunting badgers and foxes in the countryside. That was to change when the German dog with a German name would be used by political cartoonists as a punchline to represent the German enemy. Oftentimes they would depict the british bulldog chasing or beating the dachshund in an effort to drum up war morale. This inevitably led to a decline in the population of the breed as it was kind of seen as the enemy and why would you want a foreign enemy breed when you could have the all British breed instead. This actually led to in some cases public stoning of the dog in high streets with at least one being recorded in the autobiography of author graham greene. What makes this more cruel was the fact that the breed is a very emotional and affectionate breed so even after all the abuse the dog wouldn’t have fought back. The breed nowadays has fortunately lost its stigmatisation and funnily enough is still used in political cartoons in the form of memes. Its often referred to as the sausage dog because of its shape but the funniest meme in my opinion is this one which obviously for youtube reasons I have to censor but its become so abundant that usually you find it without the text with the same effect. All in all a good dog with a tragic history of dog racism similar to the borzoi. Our next tale of dog racism takes us to the british pet holo….. oh okay then. I mean that’s definitely one way to put it but ill just refer to it as the BPH. So again it’s the eve of a world war the second one this time, If I had a penny for everytime a dogs get abused right before a world war id have two pennis which isnt a lot but its kinda weird it happened twice. Anyways, this time it’s the summertime right before Britain officially declared war on Germany. The government knew that war was inevitable and so pre emptively

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