My Mama’s Not Feeling Good
MotleyFan 89 MotleyFan 89
161 subscribers

 Published On Jun 30, 2024

She hasn’t been feeling good for it feels like maybe close to two weeks or so. To say I’m worried and scared is a huge understatement. She fell last Sunday and she had a doctor appointment the following Monday. Found out she’s got a virus of some sort, though nobody said which virus it is because apparently there’s a few viruses that are going around town.

The medicine she got doesn’t seem to be helping at all. In fact, it seems like she’s getting a lot worse instead of better. Earlier this afternoon she fell again. I have no idea how she fell and she doesn’t know how she fell, but she fell and when I went into the living room area, she was sitting on the ground this time.

Long story short, we ended up having to call 911 so they could get someone out here to help her up and get her vitals and blood pressure as well as blood sugar and oxygen levels. Her blood pressure was a little on the high side, though usually it varies between high and normal. Her blood sugar was a little high as well, but she’s diabetic. She’s got Type 2 diabetes.

Even more reason for me to keep working on losing as much weight as I possibly can. Anyway, I heard her telling someone on the phone earlier in the past week that she can’t hardly catch her breath, which is definitely concerning.

This time a cop showed up a little before the paramedics and we helped her up and to her chair just as the paramedics ended up arriving. Her vitals all seemed to be good which of course is a relief, but they put her on some oxygen due to her oxygen level being at 88%. Thankfully, the oxygen helped raise her oxygen level but they revealed that she’s got some kind of slight blockage either in or around her heart, which is definitely cause for concern.

At least for me it is. They asked her some questions and when they asked how old she is, she said 36, which I had to correct her by saying she’s 65. If she was 36 I’d be a toddler and or a little kid, considering the fact that she was 30 going on 31 when she had me. She knew the answers to all the other questions they asked her which was good.

They asked if she wanted them to take her up to the ER but she said no cause she has a doctor appointment on Tuesday. Plus, she wants to see if maybe she can start feeling a lot better by then and even after that. In all honesty, we probably should have gotten them to take her up to the hospital so she could get checked out by doctors and nurses and possibly get more oxygen so she can breathe a lot easier and a lot better, but I can understand why she didn’t want to go there yet.

Plus, my grandmother doesn’t have enough gas in her car to come into town and get me should anything like that end up having to happen. She said on the phone yesterday when my mama talked to her that she wouldn’t have enough gas for that until tomorrow because she’ll be filling the car up with gas then. We don’t have much to eat here, but we’ll have to make do with what little soup and crackers we’ve got.

All this is even more of a good reason for me to keep working hard to lose as much weight as I possibly can, which I’m planning on doing exactly that. It’s also times like this when I wish we had someone else living with us so it wouldn’t be just me and her living here, but I guess we gotta be content with what we’ve got.

Keep us in your prayers, especially her. It’s greatly appreciated.

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