The Isolated Family & the Connected Family
Andrew Olson Andrew Olson
546 subscribers

 Published On Mar 3, 2024

Two Visions - The Isolated Family & the Connected Family
Does our use of technology bring people together?
When the Nintendo Entertainment system was introduced, it was known as the "Fami-Com", short for Family Computer. The refinement of that technology led to single-user experiences that were very different from the original intention of the designers.

Instead of bringing people together, the refined forms of the entertainment system took people into their own worlds. When those worlds became "too interesting", people struggled to put them away----and this exact thing still afflicts families.

Does our use of technology bring people together? How can we help guide the use of technology to ensure that it does?

Is there something special about being physically present, that virtual connections cannot emulate?

The Bible speaks about the importance of gatherings, of meetings, of presence... Let's explore how our use of time, and presence can bless others.

Together, Christians are a bit non-conforming with their use of tech. (Romans 12:2) --- so let's renew our minds together about how it should be used.


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