Tzama Lecha Nafshi - Bracha Jaffe (For Women and Girls Only)
Bracha Jaffe Bracha Jaffe
6.69K subscribers

 Published On Mar 18, 2021

Tzama Lecha Nafshi is a one of the most well known Chassidic Nigunim. The essence of this song is the desire of the soul to connect to our creator. Every day, we search for ways to feel spiritually connected. One of the ways that I truly coinnect to Gd is through singing. At every opportunity that I have to sing, I bring up this idea - that we should use our voices as a tool to connect to and come closer to our creator. I was so honored to have this video presented for the convention for the Kinnus Hashluchos and I wanted to bring it to you as well.

The first time that I sang this song was in Yerushalayim, in Binyanei Haumah. I felt so elevated when singing this song that I decided that I wanted to record it. When I sing this song, I feel like my soul is truly davening and connecting to my Creator. I hope that you, too, feel that yearning and that connection, and I hope that this song brings you higher.

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