LeelaZero BRILLIANTLY Sacrificed Her Two Pieces Against The Chess King Stockfish | Chess Strategy
Stockfish Stockfish
23.2K subscribers

 Published On Jun 20, 2024

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[Event "CCC"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2024.06.20"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Leelazero"]
[Black "Stockfish"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A43"]
[TimeControl "600+3"]
[GameDuration "00:28:06"]
[Opening "Old Benoni defense"]
[Source "Analyze This App"]

1. d4 c5 2. d5 d6 3. e4 Nf6 4. Nc3 g6 5. f4 Bg7 6. Bb5+ Nfd7 7. a4 O-O 8. Nf3
Na6 9. O-O Nf6 10. f5 gxf5 11. Ng5 h6 12. exf5 hxg5 13. Bxg5 Nc7 14. Bxf6 exf6
15. Qg4 a6 16. Rf3 axb5 17. Rg3 Ne8 18. Rh3 Nc7 19. Qh5 Re8 20. Qh7+ Kf8 21. Rg3
Bxf5 22. Qxg7+ Ke7 23. Rf1 b4 24. Rxf5 Kd7 25. Rxf6 Kc8 26. Nd1 Rxa4 27. Qxf7
Re7 28. Qg6 Ra1 29. Rf1 Kb8 30. Rgf3 Re8 31. Qd3 Ka7 32. Rf5 Qh4 33. g3 Qh3 34.
Rf7 Rh8 35. R7f2 Re8 36. c3 bxc3 37. Nxc3 Ree1 38. Rxe1 Rxe1+ 39. Rf1 Re5 40.
Qf3 Kb8 41. Qf6 Qd7 42. Qf8+ Re8 43. Qf5 Qe7 44. Qd3 Qg7 45. Rf2 Rf8 46. Rxf8+
Qxf8 47. Kg2 Qh8 48. Qg6 Nb5 49. h4 Nxc3 50. Qxd6+ Ka8 51. bxc3 Qxc3 52. Qe6 c4
53. d6 Qd2+ 54. Kh3 c3 55. d7 c2 56. Qa2+ Kb8 57. Qxc2 Qxc2 58. d8=Q+ Ka7 59.
Qa5+ Kb8 60. h5 Qd3 61. Qc5 Qf1+ 62. Kh4 Qe1 63. h6 Ka8 64. Qa3+ Kb8 65. Qd6+
Ka7 66. Qd4+ Ka8 67. Qa4+ Kb8 68. Qd7 Ka7 69. h7 Qh1+ 70. Kg5 Qc1+ 71. Kg6 Qc2+
72. Kh5 Qh2+ 73. Kg4 Qe2+ 74. Kh4 Qe4+ 75. g4 Qe1+ 76. Kh5 Qh1+ 77. Kg6 Qe4+ 78.
Qf5 Qe8+ 79. Kh6 Qc6+ 80. Kg5 Qc1+ 81. Kf6 Qc6+ 82. Qe6 Qf3+ 83. Kg7 Qc3+ 84.
Kg8 Qd2 85. h8=Q Qd8+ 86. Kh7 Qd3+ 87. Qg6 Qh3+ 88. Kg8 Qb3+ 89. Qf7 Qb1 90.
Qd4+ Ka6 91. Qff6+ b6 92. Qa4+ Kb7 93. Qg7+ Kb8 94. Qe8# 1-0

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