小林由直「優しい時間」Yoshinao Kobayashi "Time with Tenderness"
ARTE MANDOLINISTICA Official YouTube Channel ARTE MANDOLINISTICA Official YouTube Channel
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 Published On Jul 31, 2022






日本作曲家協議会 (JFC) に所属し、「日本の作曲家2021」、「アジア音楽祭2022 in Kawasaki」など多くのコンサートで管弦楽楽器のための作品を発表している。2017年6月には初の個展である「小林由直作品演奏会 〜点と線の軌跡〜」を京都にて開催。全国高等学校ギター・マンドリン音楽コンクール、日本マンドリン独奏コンクール、ARTE国際マンドリンフェスティバル&コンクールなど、多くのコンクールで審査員を務める。三重大学保健管理センター教授。医学博士。内科医として勤務しながら、医学と音楽の両立を常に目指している。

Yoshinao KOBAYASHI, born in Japan in 1961, began to play the piano when he was four, and later he learned piano with Prof. Koya Harigai and music composition with Prof. Terumichi Tanaka. In 1984, he received a prize in the 4th composing competition of the Japan Mandolin Union (JMU). He has written many orchestral and chamber works for mandolin instruments. His works are played around the world. His mandolin solo pieces were compulsory pieces for multiple international competitions; e.g., JMU mandolin solo competition, ARTE International Mandolin Festival & Competition, European Mandolin Award of the EMGA 2007, the 1st International solo mandolin competition Luxembourg 2012 etc. He has been composed mandolin pieces intensively with other kinds of instruments such as flute, piano and violin strings. Many his pieces are published by Joachim-Trekel-Musikverlag (Hamburg, Germany).
Currently, he belongs to the Japan Composers Association (JFC) and has presented works for orchestral instruments at many concerts such as "Japanese Composer 2021" and "Asian Music Festival 2022 in Kawasaki". In June 2017, his first individual exhibition of composed works entitled “Trace of point and line music” was held in Kyoto. He has served as a judge at many competition; e.g., all Japan high school guitar mandolin music competition, Japan mandolin solo competition, ARTE International Mandolin Festival & Competition etc. He is also a professor at Center for physical and Mental Health, Mie University. He is regularly occupied as a doctor of internal medicine, but music has always played an important role throughout his life. Therefore, he is always working toward a balance between medicine and music.

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