Did You Know |
Sajee Sajee
79.3K subscribers

 Published On May 3, 2020

Did You Know? | Episode 02 | 15 Interesting Facts You might not know

Great things never came from comfort zones

1. A music teacher removed a 10 year girl
from music class and said that she
sounds like a goat. The girl now is

2. Facebook is blue because founder of
Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is
colour-blind. He has a red-green
colours blindness and can only see
blue cleanly.

3. It takes 6 months to build a Rolls Royce
and the average life of a Rolls Royce
car is 100 years where as a Toyota is
made in 13 hours with a life of
10 - 15 years.

4. Venus is the only planet in the solar
system to spin backward.

5. Black rose, an extremely rare flower
that is grown naturally only in the
village of halfeti in Turkey.

6. The creator of Adidas and Puma both
we're brothers. From a small village of

7.Jellyfish and lobster are considered
biologically immortal. They don't age
and will never die unless they are

8. In Japan people don’t have signature,
they use stamps called hanko, and
every individual in Japan has one.

9. Tigers wait until dark to hunt, their
night vision is six times better than
that of humans.

10. With out pinky finger you would lose
around 50% of your hand’s strength.

11. ‘Bluetooth’ technology was named
after a 10th century king, King Harald
Bluetooth. He united Denmark and
Norway just like the wireless
technology united computers and
cell phones.

12. There is a book named as “Everything
Men Know About Women” that is just
120 blank pages.

13. A man who burnt 2 million US dollars
just because he was short of firewood
and his daughter was feeling cold.
Meet Don Pablo Escobar

14. More than 16,000 children attend
school in Syria under donation from
“The Messi Foundation”

15 .In 2007, Scotland spent six months of
research and $162,972 to create a new
slogan that would boost tourism.
They came up with “Welcome To

Improving your knowledge daily with interesting facts, stories and things that make you think, Heaps of interesting fun facts and figures to keep you entertained.

Video footage CreditsVideo by tball from Pixabay Video by John Macdougall from Pixabay Video by Luc De Cleir from Pixabay Video by dianakuehn30010 from Pixabay

#didyouknow #justfacts #Episode05 #InterestingFacts

Translated titles:
¿Sabías? El | # E02 | 15 hechos interesantes que quizás no conozcas

Wusstest du? | # E02 | 15 Interessante Fakten Sie wissen es vielleicht nicht

Le saviez-vous? | # E02 | 15 faits intéressants que vous ne savez peut-être pas

Você sabia? | # E02 15 fatos interessantes que você talvez não saiba

क्या तुम्हें पता था? | # E02 | 15 रोचक तथ्य जो

هل كنت تعلم؟ | # E02 | 15 حقائق مثيرة للاهتمام قد لا تعرفها

Lo sapevate? | # E02 | 15 fatti interessanti che potresti non sapere

知ってますか? | #E02 | 15あなたが知らないかもしれない興味深い事実

Adakah kamu tahu? | # E02 | 15 Fakta Menarik Anda mungkin tidak tahu

Вы знали? | # E02 | 15 интересных фактов, которые вы можете н

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