New Beginnings Church, Lynnwood New Beginnings Church, Lynnwood
1.91K subscribers

 Published On Jun 2, 2024

A lesson on the religion that pleases God: the religion that is primarily concerned with the heart of man, and only secondarily on external behaviors. As we continue in our study through the Sermon on the Mount today, Jesus’ next point expounds upon the Law of God as it relates to the inner man. Far from challenging or modifying what had been written in the Old Testament Scriptures, Jesus brought their true meaning to the forefront. He confronted the attitude which the pharisees espoused (and in truth all of us do to some extent), which is that if we keep outward conformity to the Law, it means we’re doing good. Simply not so. From the heart (the center of one’s thoughts, intentions, and emotions) flow all sorts of malice, evil speech, and of course evil actions. Jesus makes the point that outward conformity counts for naught if your heart isn’t right, and outward efforts fall short if our motives are wrong. Likewise, unjust anger flows from a sinful heart. Even justified anger, when allowed to stir, has a way of eating us up and turning our hearts bitter, and seeps into every aspect of our lives.

Christian morality starts at the heart and flows from it. Therefore, the solution Scripture commands us to practice when wronged is forgiveness from the heart, which leads to reconciliation. If we know how great a debt we’ve been forgiven in Christ, we realize all offenses committed against us are truly miniscule in comparison. And if we have been forgiven indeed in Christ, we ought to reflect such a godly attitude towards others sinners, amongst whom we are no better. To forgive doesn’t necessarily mean forgetting the past or pretending nothing happened. Sin has temporal consequences as well as eternal, and sometimes those echo throughout one’s life. But do not make room to inflame damages unnecessarily.

Forgiveness means that the debt is covered, and will not be held against someone; it means to impute no charges, and abandon ruminating over the wrong, for that too leads only to sin. Once you've determined to forgive, do whatever is in your power to restore relations with your fellow man, clinging to the fact that our hope is not in this world, but in Christ alone who has overcome the world. It is only when our eyes are fixated on heavenly splendor that we have the strength to overcome such earthly woes. Cultivate a right heart - a Christ-like attitude – in all circumstances, rooted and grounded through faith in Him. Only then will your outward behavior be pleasing to the Lord.

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