Martxa baten lehen notak (Mikel Laboa) - THE SPELLMÄN'S FOLK
The Spellmän's Folk The Spellmän's Folk
180 subscribers

 Published On Jun 17, 2020

Mikel Laboa was a basque singer-songwriter. He recorded the first version of this song in 1980 but the composition process started in 1977, just after the end of a dictatorship in Spain. The first democratic elections were about to take place and many march protests were taking place in the streets. But any of these marches were convincing the songwriter, so he invented his own: a protest march which includes the solidarity among human beings and among all the different cultures and nationalities, where respect exists. He called it "the first notes of a march".


Voice - Inga Freyrsdóttir
Violin - Irene Vilanova Domínguez
Cello - Yunah Proost
Guitar - Roberto Marina Montero
Marimba - Miguel Sánchez Cobo / Rémy Gouraud


Eguzkiak urtzen du gohian
Gailurretako elurra
Uharka da jausten ibarrera
Geldigaitza den oldarra.

Gure baitan datza eguzkia
Iluna eta izotza
Urratu dezakeen argia
Hurtuko den bihotza.

Bihotza bezain bero zabalik
Besoak eta eskuak
Gorririk ikus dezagun egia
Argiz beterik burua.

Batek goserik diraueno
Ez gara gu asetuko
Bati inon loturik deino
Ez gara libre izango.

Bakoitzak urraturik berea
Denon artean geurea
Etengabe gabiltza baltzen
Gizatasunari bidea.

(Inor ez inor menpekorikan
Nor bere buruaren jabe
Herri guztiok bat eginikan
Ez gabiltza gerorik gabe)

The sun melts down the snow at the high peaks,
And it descends down the slope in a powerful stream.

In ourselves is the sun, the darkness, the ice,
The light that scratches, the heart that melts.

With heart and passion, open hand and arms,
Let’s enlighten ourselves, and see the truth.

Treading each his own path, between all of us
Opening the way for our humanity.

Everyone with ownership over their lives, nobody dominated by other
All people together in one we will have our future.

As long as there’s someone hungry we won’t be satisfied
As long as there’s someone oppressed we won’t be free.

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