Final Fantasy XII Espers Finishing Deathblows ファイナルファンタジーXII ザ ゾディアック エイジ 召喚獣 必殺技
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 Published On Aug 16, 2014

幻獣のリスト (Espers List) All Summons
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魔人ベリアス (Belias, the Gigas) ♈ Aries
00:09 Hellfire 地獄の火炎

憤怒の霊帝アドラメレク (Adrammelech, the Wroth) ♑ Capricorn
00:43 Judgment Bolt 裁きの雷

背徳の皇帝マティウス (Mateus, the Corrupt) ♓ Pisces
01:10 Frostwave 凍てつく波動

密告者シュミハザ (Shemhazai, the Whisperer) ♐ Sagittarius
01:39 Soul Purge ソウルエミット

統制者ハシュマリム (Hashmal, Bringer of Order) ♌ Leo
02:11 Gaia's Wrath 大地の怒り

暗闇の雲ファムフリート (Famfrit, the Darkening Cloud) ♒ Aquarius
02:33 Tsunami 大海嘯

審判の霊樹エクスデス (Exodus, the Judge-Sal) ♎ Libra
03:08 Meteor メテオ

輪廻王カオス (Chaos, Walker of the Wheel) ♉ Taurus
03:42 Tornado ハリケーン

断罪の暴君ゼロムス (Zeromus, the Condemner) ♋ Cancer
04:23 Big Bang ビッグバーン

不浄王キュクレイン (Cúchulainn, the Impure) ♏ Scorpio
04:52 Blight ベノムバイト

死の天使ザルエラ (Zalera, the Death Seraph) ♊ Gemini
05:16 Condemnation ディバインデス

聖天使アルテマ (Ultima, the High Seraph) ♍ Virgo
05:41 Eschaton 完全アルテマ

戒律王ゾディアーク (Zodiark, Keeper of Precepts) U̴ Ophiuchus
06:10 Final Eclipse ラストエクリプス

"Beings of strange form and appearance made by the gods in ancient times. Favored with great strength and intellect, the Espers knew power far beyond that of men, but their power made them proud, and at length they sought to challenge the gods. Seeing this, the gods were angered and struck down their blessed children, and binding their souls and flesh with the Glyph of the Beast, they stole their freedom for all eternity. Now they are bound to live only when summoned by their Glyph, to serve whosoever called them forth." —Espers, Sage Knowledge

“There were two reasons why we couldn't implement that in the original. One was that we were afraid the graphics would suffer — imagine the Esper occupying the same space as the background or a character, or the Esper getting in the way so that you couldn't see around you. We didn't have enough time when making the original game to adjust the camera work to fix that. The other problem was that for the Espers to be controllable, we had to actually walk them around every map for debugging.”
—Hiroyuki Itō, the director of Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System

🏆 Trophy / Achievement List

· Champion of Ivalice (Platinum) 💎
Collected all other trophies.

· Assault Striker (Bronze) 🥉
Used Attack 300 times.

· Spellslinger (Bronze) 🥉
Cast Magicks 200 times.

· Premier Prestidigitator (Bronze) 🥉
Used Technicks 100 times.

· Master Thief (Bronze) 🥉
Successfully stole 50 times.

· Blood Dancer (Bronze) 🥉
Defeated 500 foes.

· The Unrelenting (Bronze) 🥉
Completed a 50-chain in battle.

· Wayfarer (Bronze) 🥉
Took 50,000 steps.

· Plunderer (Bronze) 🥉
Acquired 100,000 gil.

· Record Breaker (Bronze) 🥉
Obtained 500,000 Clan Points.

· Spendthrift (Bronze) 🥉
Spent 1,000,000 gil.

· Privateer (Bronze) 🥉
Sold 1,000 pieces of loot.

· Exemplar (Bronze) 🥉
Raised your party's average level above 50.

· Conqueror (Bronze) 🥉
Earned 48,000 License Points.

· Scrivener (Silver) 🥈
Completed the Bestiary.

· Runeweaver (Silver) 🥈
Learned every Magick.

· Jack-of-All-Trades (Silver) 🥈
Learned every Technick.

· Collector (Bronze) 🥉
Obtained a Morbid Urn.

· Cartographer (Silver) 🥈
Fully explored every map.

· Mist Walker (Gold) 🥇
Performed every Concurrence.

· Eagle Eye (Bronze) 🥉
Defeated Deathgaze.

· Wyrmslayer (Bronze) 🥉
Defeated Fafnir.

· Sharpshooter (Bronze) 🥉
Defeated the Trickster.

· Freshmaker (Bronze) 🥉
Defeated Carrot.

· Master Swordsman (Silver) 🥈
Defeated Gilgamesh.

· Lord of the Kings (Silver) 🥈
Defeated the Behemoth King.

· Hunter Extraordinaire (Gold) 🥇
Defeated Yiazmat.

· Radiant Savior (Silver) 🥈
Defeated the Hell Wyrm.

· Fell Angel (Silver) 🥈
Defeated Ultima.

· Zodiac Knight (Silver) 🥈
Defeated Zodiark.

· High Summoner (Gold) 🥇
Obtained every Esper.

· For the Homeland (Bronze) 🥉
Faced the Archadian Empire as an initiate in the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca.

· Galbana Bloom (Bronze) 🥉
Defeated your first mark.

· A Traitor Redeemed (Bronze) 🥉
Escaped from the Nalbina Dungeons.

· Fated Meeting (Bronze) 🥉
Rescued the Princess of Dalmasca.

· The Mist Seethes (Bronze) 🥉
Obtained the Dawn Shard.

· Visions of the Dreamer (Bronze) 🥉
Set out from Mt Bur-Omisace.

· Reins of History (Bronze) 🥉
Faced Doctor Cid.

· Wings of My Own (Silver) 🥈
Restored peace to Ivalice.

· Judge Magister (Bronze) 🥉
Completed the 50th trial.

· Imperator (Gold) 🥇
Completed the 100th trial.

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