Mandela amongst mourners for veteran of anti-apartheid struggle
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 Published On Aug 4, 2015

(1 Feb 2007) SHOTLIST
1. Former South African President Nelson Mandela arriving at the home of Adelaide Tambo, getting out of car
2. Mandela greeting Dali Tambo, son of Adelaide Tambo
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Nelson Mandela, Former South African President:
"I am so sorry, about what has happened. Very sorry, but these things happen. It is painful of course, but you must forget them. I know how brave you are and you have taken after your father Oliver. He was one of the bravest persons I have come across and I am sure you can take courage from his bravery. I came here because I thought that it is necessary for those that you know to be present and to come and say to you (He speaks in Zulu)Whatever happens to you, do not let it hinder your life."
4. Mandela greeting supporter
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Nelson Mandela, Former South African President:
"Ma-Tambo (Adelaide Tambo) has been a powerful and effective personality in the ANC (African National Congress), she coped with problems very well and encourage all others to cope with problems."
6. Various of Mandela and wife Gracia Machel walking into house
7. Mid shot of car arriving carrying South African President Thabo Mbeki
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Thabo Mbeki, South African President:
"It really came as a very big shock because we had seen her in hospital at the beginning of this month, January, and she was very well and the doctors and the nurses indeed said that she was very well. And maintained contact with her and she was fine. So indeed it came as a very big shock."
9. Cutaway of cameras
10. Mbeki greeting family members
Former South African President Nelson Mandela joined the nation on Thursday in mourning his long-time friend and fellow veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle, Adelaide Tambo.
Tambo, widow of African National Congress hero Oliver Tambo, died at her home in Johannesburg on Wednesday evening, according to an African National Congress (ANC) statement that gave no other details. She was 77.
The governing African National Congress said funeral arrangements had not yet been completed.
Like her husband, Adelaide Tambo, fondly known as Ma-Tambo or Mama Adelaide, was a lifelong political activist.
Mandela, who shares a birthday with Adelaide Tambo, gathered with family and friends at the Tambo home.
"I came here because I thought that it is necessary for those that you know to be present and to come," Mandela told Adelaide's son, Dali Tambo.
South African President Thabo Mbeki arrived shortly after, describing Adelaide's death as a "very big shock".
Born July 18, 1929, Adelaide Tambo became involved in politics when she was 10 years old.
Her ailing grandfather, aged 82, was arrested in a police raid following a riot in which a police officer had been killed.
He collapsed and while she awaited for him to regain consciousness, she decided to devote her life to the fight against white racist rule.
Five years later she started working for the ANC as a courier, while still studying.
She joined the ANC Youth League and was almost immediately elected chairperson.
She met her future husband at the launch of a new youth league branch and agreed to marry him in 1956.
Three weeks before their wedding, Oliver Tambo was arrested and charged with 155 other ANC members, including Nelson Mandela, for
high treason.
The wedding went ahead four days after the suspects were released on bail.
The trial lasted for more than three years, ending in the acquittal of all the accused.
The Tambos fled from South Africa in 1960 upon the advice of other ANC activists.

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