Dokumenter - Teh Premium Indonesia
TheStory TheStory
4.96K subscribers

 Published On Sep 30, 2022

Kelebihan dan keutamaan teh premium yang diproduksi negeri sendiri belum sepenuhnya disadari oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia

Tren bisnis teh mulai berkembang
paska pandemi, karena masyarakat dituntut menjaga kesehatan tubuh dan sudah sejak dulu kala teh dipercaya memiliki khasiat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.
Brand lokal juga mulai ditemukan di kafe-kafe dan banyak tempat di Indonesia, tinggal bagaimana bangsa kita memahami ttg kelebihan dan keutamaan produk lokal negeri sendiri.
Sudah saatnya mencintai dan menghargai produk sendiri sebagai suatu keharusan bagi bangsa ini.

Selalu menginspirasi
- TheStory -

Most of the Indonesian people have not fully realized the advantages and benefits of premium tea produced by their own country

The tea business trend is starting to develop
post-pandemic, because people are required to maintain a healthy body and tea has long been believed to have the property of increasing endurance.
Local brands are also starting to be found in cafes and many places in Indonesia, it's just a matter of how our nation understands the advantages and benefits of local products from our own country.
It's time to love and appreciate your own product as a must for this nation.

Always inspiring
- TheStory -

#documentary #indonesia #tea #houseoftea

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