10 Rare Deep Sea Catches
Epic Wildlife Epic Wildlife
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 Published On Sep 4, 2016

From the giant squid found near Antarctica, to the most awesome fish inside a jelly fish ! These are 10 RARE Deep Sea Catches !

Basket Star -- Was it an alien life form? Nothing so exotic. But a fisherman in Singapore reeled in a catch that caught worldwide attention. The weird, writing octopus-like creature was actually a basket star … a distant relative of the starfish. The fisherman said he thought he had reeled in a bunch of seaweed since it’s so prevalent in the area. Although it looks like the creature has hundred of arms wriggling about, it only has five arms, which are each divided into more dexterous ‘branchlets’. This really was a rare deep sea catch since Basket Stars live so deep under the sea … some 6,000 feet or so … and feed mostly on zooplankton.

A Controversial Catch -- A Tiger shark measuring nearly 20 feet long was caught off the Australian coast in 2015. Tiger sharks normally grow to lengths between 10 to 14 feet, and are found worldwide in tropical and temperate waters. The apex predators are known to hunt a variety of animals including sea snakes, turtles, dolphins and whales. When photos of the enormous carcass lying on a fishing boat were posted on Facebook, it prompted a social media backlash. Critics compared the display to Cecil the Lion, who was controversially killed by an American big game hunter. What do you think?

Ghost Octopus -- A remotely operated submarine called Deep Discover made an amazing discovery when it caught this creature on video: A mysterious, ghostlike octopus sitting on a rock … at a depth of nearly 4,300 meters … or over 14, 000 feet below the surface! The unusual octopus was found during a deep-sea dive in the Hawaiian Archipelago. Researchers said its ghostly appearance is due to the animal’s lack of pigment cell called chromatophores, which most cephalopods possess. While the newly discovered creature is thought to be previously undescribed, researchers have classified it as an incirrate octopod ... meaning it lacks fins and cirri, which are wispy strands found on the arms of some octopuses. Cirrate octopods have fins, and are sometimes called Dumbo octopods … a reference to their resemblance to the Disney cartoon elephant. This small ghost octopus is the first incirrate octopod observed at such an extreme depth. A lot of people think this creature should be named ‘Casper’ … can you think of a better name?

Here’s the Catch -- This is kind of like a rare deep sea double catch … A fish is caught inside a jellyfish … and the incident is caught on film! You can see in Tim Samuel’s photograph that the fish seems to realize it’s made a horrible mistake … if it’s any consolation to the fish, the picture will no doubt provide fodder for plenty of internet memes. The incident took place off the coast of Australia's Byron Bay earlier in 2016. The species of the fish and jellyfish are difficult to identify from the picture. But some experts think the jellyfish is a type of stinging jellyfish known as a cubomedusan (koo-boe-med-ooh-san) … and the fish might be a juvenile trevally (treh-valley). Because that fish species is known to evade predators by camouflaging itself among the stingers of certain jellyfish species, it likely intended to get close to the jellyfish … but not actually inside it! Did the jellyfish end up eating the fish … or did the two creatures strike up an unlikely alliance and go on to have some amazing aquatic adventures? As it was decided to let nature run its course … we may never know. Can you think of a happy ending?

Gigantic Giant Squid -- A squid the size of a minibus was captured in the area of Antarctica’s isolated Ross Sea. Researchers kept it on ice for some 8 months before thawing it out to discover it’s wasn't just another giant squid … it was a gigantic squid, weighing 770 pounds! Scientists identified the enormous creature’s gender as female, with 8 arms measuring over three feet each, and dual tentacles reaching 7 feet. One of the scientists speculated that animals such as this may have inspired legends like the Kraken, who often battled other huge sea creatures, like whales. Analyzing the huge squid is part of a research project that scientists hope will yield more information about where giant squids figure in the overall marine-based food chain … In addition to identify various squid types and find out more about their dietary patterns and life-cycle.

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