Reframe your 2023 & create an extraordinary 2024 as an HSP! [Part 5 of 5]
Christine Braun Christine Braun
42 subscribers

 Published On Jan 19, 2024

Free Gift: 3 Steps to Shift Any Emotion

Part 5: Conclusion
Comment below: How was your 2023? What are your plans for 2024?

Summary & Golden Nugget!
Summary of this video series:
How are you feeling about your 2023
What went well? What went sideways?
What challenged you? How did you meet these challenges?
Where do you think you failed?
Can you reframe whatever you think you failed at, to where it serves you/ fuels you?
What do you want for your 2024?
The 7 Key Areas of Your Life
Choose 1 or 2 main focuses for the first 1 to 3 months of 2024
What’s your mission, what’s your why?
Why do you want this goal/thing/etc? How can you connect to this in a way where it’s going to pull you & you don’t have to drag yourself out of bed, it’s going to pull you out of bed, because THIS IS YOUR MISSION!
This is what you believe in. This is what life is about for you, this is how YOU want to impact your family, your loved ones, the planet around you!

The World needs you. LET’S SHOW UP!

Which disciplines are you committing to, in order to make 2024 an incredible year? You can reach any goal, if you have clarity, vision & you stay connected to your purpose, your why!

"Deal with what is here and now! What comes up is what needs to be healed!" -Wendy Kennedy (9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective)

Description of Video Series:

Are you feeling any anxiety, unease, dissatisfaction about your life and where you currently are? How is your next year going to get better? Do you feel like you had all these dreams and goals for your 2023 and worked really hard and still didn’t achieve what you set out for and feel like you fell short, you couldn’t pull it together… you feel like you failed?! Watch this video to feel inspired & empowered.

As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) who is very much into spiritual and personal growth, I like to analyze a lot and learn from the past so I can create a more fulfilling future.

So when I found myself in an emotional downward spiral between Thanksgiving and Christmas (2023), feeling those feelings so many of us HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) feel (anxiety, overwhelm, frustration, sadness, depression, lack of energy and motivation…), I decided to grab my journal and figure out how I could feel better about 2023 and set myself up for an awesome 2024.

I took a hard look at the goals I felt I had not accomplished. Why didn’t I accomplish them? Why did I feel like I had failed at them? Had I really tried? Did I have the wrong strategy? Did I not commit enough time? Did I take time to heal from the emotional trauma of ending a 3.5 year relationship? And what is it that I actually want? Did I learn anything over this past year? What can I take into 2024 from this past year, which will set me up for better success, for more fulfillment, more ease, more love? What have I found out doesn’t work? Would should I stop doing? Where should I invest my time instead?

How do YOU get out of emotional downward spirals/ end of year blues/ or feelings that seem to take you over (like anxiety, depression, overwhelm, lack of motivation)?

What do you do as an HSP when that harsh inner critic comes out and you just plain feel like you failed?

In this video I will teach you step by step how to look at your past year in an empowering way, so you don’t perceive it as a loss, and I’ll help you set up habits, rules & disciplines so that your next year is off to a great start!

I’ll remind you to connect your WHY, your mission, to fortify the very thing that will pull you out of bed everyday & get you back into alignment, back into feeling like the strongest, most empowered, most alive version of you!

Together we will make a “Get back into Alignment List”, or “Happiness List”, or “Bliss List”, whatever you want to call your list of things you can do to get back to feeling happy, creative, inspired, at peace, aligned.

If you’re an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), these tools will be particularly valuable.

I also mention the ABC game by Abraham-Hicks. They were my first and still are one of my favorite spiritual teachers.

I loved the quote I came across from Brendon Burchard: “Sometimes you can’t keep up but you can show up!”

You can show up. YOU can show up. As an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), I’m so used to always pushing myself to show up 100% that on days when I don’t have that in me, I hide in the shadows. I don’t show up at all. Instead I (used to) beat myself up over not being in that “go getter” mode.

But what if I showed up anyway?

Let’s make 2024 the year where we show up, no matter what. Life is so incredibly short, let’s not waste a single moment. Let’s show up anyways. Let’s be curious. Let’s be open to receiving inspiration from everything -and every emotion.

“There’s nothing you cannot be or do or have” -Abraham-Hicks

You are meant to live an extraordinary life -yes, even as a Highly Sensitive Soul (HSP)!💕

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