【Tyra Talk 2023】自然科學|搜尋新物理的方法:使用原子
project Tyra project Tyra
827 subscribers

 Published On Sep 7, 2023


朱炳翰(Pinghan Chu), Scientist, Los Alamos National lab
朱炳翰博士是洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室(LANL)MPA-Q小組的科學家。他於2011年從伊利諾伊大學香檳分校獲得物理學博士學位,在那裡與彭仁傑教授合作,致力於中子電偶極矩實驗中的「Dressed自旋技術」。在取得學位後,他加入了高海燕教授的杜克大學團隊,研究了異域的自旋相關相互作用。2014年,他加入了LANL的Steve Elliott博士的小組,使用高純度鍺探測器研究了76Ge的無中微子雙貝塔衰變。這項工作使他於2018年獲得了小團隊傑出表現獎,並於2019年成為LANL的科學家。2021年,他榮獲LANL的LDRD早期職業獎。朱博士還參與了LANL的其他項目,包括中微子物理和暗物質探索的研究。

研究領域 (Field):

研究子領域 (Sub-field):

This talk focuses on recent developments in test of fundamental physics, especially the matter-antimatter asymmetry and searches for dark matter and exotic interactions, using atoms. Recently, exotic spin-dependent interactions, predicted by many theoretical extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics, has attracted much attention in the community of physicists. Such theories are associated with the spontaneous breaking of continuous symmetries, leading to massless or very light Nambu-Goldston bosons such as the axion, axion-like-particles (ALPs), and hidden photons which are also candidates for cold dark matter. These exotic spin-dependent interactions can be described as the interaction of the effective magnetic field with the spin, which can be detected by sensitive magnetometers. I will present several novel experimental approaches to search for exotic spin-dependent interactions using various magnetometers, e.g., spin-exchange relaxation-free magnetometer, diamond quantum magnetometer, and polarized helium-3 gas. Additionally, I will also discuss the recent development of the cosmic axion searches at LANL using a LC circuit in a strong magnetic field detecting by a RF optically pumped magnetometer.

林言飛 (Oliver Lin)

Document #"LA-UR-23-29860"

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