이거 한잔이면 스트레스가 한방에훅~ 자소엽 주스
슐랭TV-T&Dessert 슐랭TV-T&Dessert
9.66K subscribers

 Published On Jul 30, 2021

Perilla Ocymoides juice (See English at the bottom for instructions on how to create.)
자소엽주스는 소화장애, 식중독 ,기침도 잡아주며, 스트레스와 불면에 도움됩니다. 또 항균작용을 하기때문에 음식의 변하는걸 막아주고 헬리코박터균 억제작용도 합니다. 씨는 천식에도 도움이 됩니다. 만드는방법은 아래 설명을 참고하시기바랍니다.꽉 막힌기를 확 풀어주는 해표약입니다. 처음보다가는 2-3일 숙성이되면 더 진한 핑크색으로 변하며, 맛또한 더 깊은 맛이 납니다. 레몬은 취향에따라 더 넣으셔도 됩니다. 특별한 이 주스한잔이면 스트레스가 한방에 날아갑니다.


1:22 자소엽 주스만들기 물에 씻기
2:22 물600cc 끓이기
2:28 자소엽 물에 넣기
5:23 녹색으로 변한 건더기건져내기
6:02 걸러낸 원액 다시 냄비에 넣고 졸이기
6:21 레몬착즙하기
6:46 설탕첨가
7:20 졸인 원액 다른용기에 옮겨서 레몬즙첨가
7:55 용기에 담기
10:00 시음하기

1. 자소엽을 뜯어서 잘씻어 물을뺀다.
2. 물을 냄비에넣고 끓으면 자소엽을 넣고 우려내는데 자소엽이 녹색으로 바뀌면 건집니다.
3. 건지고 난뒤 원액은 냄비에 넣고 다시 반으로 졸여줍니다.
4. 반정도 줄어들면 설탕을넣고 녹인뒤 한소큼 끓여서 식혀줍니다.
5. 식으면 레몬착즙을 넣어줍니다.
6. 레몬즙을 넣어준다음 소독한 병에넣어서 냉장숙성합니다.
7. 숙성후 마시면 됩니다.

Perilla Ocymoides uice helps with digestive problems, fish food poisoning, cough, and helps stress and insomnia. Please refer to the instructions below for how to make it.It's a sea medicine that relieves the congestion. If it is matured for 2 to 3 days, it turns darker pink, and it also tastes deeper. You can add more lemons depending on your preference. This special glass of juice relieves stress.

150g of Perilla Ocymoides leaf
600 cc of water
3 piece of Lemon
400-600g of sugar to suit your taste.

1:22 Making Perilla Ocymoides Leaf Juice Washing in Water
2:22 Boil 600cc of water
2:28 Put Perilla Ocymoides leaves in water
5:23 Get the green stuff out.
6:02 Filter the undiluted solution back in a pot and boil it down.
6:21 Juicy Lemon
6:46 Added sugar
7:20 Transfer the boiled undiluted solution to another container and add lemon juice.
7:55 Place in a Container
10:00 Tasting

1. Remove the magnetic needle, wash it well, and drain it.
2. Put the water in a pot and when it boils, put the pine needles in and boil them. If the pine needles turn green, take them out.
3. After taking it out, put the undiluted solution in a pot and boil it in half again.
4. When it is reduced by half, add sugar, dissolve it, boil it, and cool it down.
5. When it cools down, add lemon juice.
6. Add lemon juice and refrigerate in a sterilized bottle.
7. You can drink it after ripening. juice helps with digestive problems, food poisoning, cough, and helps stress and insomnia. Please refer to the instructions below for how to make it.It's a sea medicine that relieves the congestion. If it is matured for 2 to 3 days, it turns darker pink, and it also tastes deeper. You can add more lemons depending on your preference. This special glass of juice relieves stress.

Magnetic leaf 150g
600 cc of water
400-600g of sugar to suit your taste.

1:22 Making Magnetic Leaf Juice Washing in Water
2:22 Boil 600cc of water
2:28 Put magnetic leaves in water
5:23 Get the green stuff out.
6:02 Filter the undiluted solution back in a pot and boil it down.
6:21 Juicy Lemon
6:46 Added sugar
7:20 Transfer the boiled undiluted solution to another container and add lemon juice.
7:55 Place in a Container
10:00 Tasting

1. Remove the magnetic needle, wash it well, and drain it.
2. Put the water in a pot and when it boils, put the pine needles in and boil them. If the pine needles turn green, take them out.
3. After taking it out, put the undiluted solution in a pot and boil it in half again.
4. When it is reduced by half, add sugar, dissolve it, boil it, and cool it down.
5. When it cools down, add lemon juice.
6. Add lemon juice and refrigerate in a sterilized bottle.
7. You can drink it after ripening.

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