Why Thailand intends to ban recreational cannabis use?|志祺七七
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 Published On May 15, 2024

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#大麻合法化 #泰國旅遊
00:00 開頭
01:10 【Heptabase】廣告段落
01:52 泰國❤️大麻?
02:46 大麻合法化,正式上路!
03:49 泰國成為大麻天堂?
05:13 大麻亂象叢生?
06:38 為什麼這麼亂?
07:50 再度禁止大麻?
08:46 真的回得去嗎?
09:25 我們的觀點
10:32 提問
10:49 結尾

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→ 泰國大麻合法化滿1年!預估2025市值達429億泰銖 但卻引來「大麻煩」?:https://is.gd/oJQFLQ
→ 這批很純:泰國大麻合法化後,我與曼谷街頭小販和客人們聊了聊:https://is.gd/DgwT9R
→ Thai agencies and UNODC discuss the future of new Narcotics Code:https://is.gd/ZXFt11
→ 泰國大麻除罪,偷推觀光引亂象!要收回了?:https://is.gd/TOG2bE
→ 呼太兇?前年才合法化 泰國政府將提案禁娛樂用大麻:https://is.gd/R0Rm7b
→ 泰國「大麻合法化」僅18個月…恐將走入歷史!衛生部擬推新法案禁「娛樂用」:https://is.gd/WxbGH2
→ Thailand's promised cannabis bonanza disappoints as politicians trade blame:https://is.gd/AdmNEh
→ 大麻合法化將轉彎?大麻經濟成果不如預期,是否加強管制成泰國朝野選戰熱點:https://is.gd/NL7T3H
→ Narcotic or not? Thailand’s cannabis industry in the balance as parties battle it out ahead of polls:https://is.gd/nCz64S
→ Thailand was first in Asia to decriminalise marijuana, but 'cannabis cowboys' could see those laws change:https://is.gd/6P58nx
→ 泰國大麻合法化缺法令配套 狀況混亂醫界憂心:https://is.gd/PIz4M1
→ The highs and lows of liberalising weed:https://is.gd/w6vFzA
→ 泰國大麻合法卻沒配套 猶如打開潘朵拉盒:https://is.gd/E5zYaa
→ 泰國大麻官方使用規定:https://is.gd/ZyZ4Jf
→ Why Thailand's legal weed is luring droves of curious but cautious Asian tourists:https://is.gd/41ytKg
→ Thailand made pot legal two years ago. That could change soon:https://is.gd/TZ1x2O
→ Thailand cannabis: From a war on drugs to weed curries:https://is.gd/s1CUBs
→ Cannabis - Thailand:https://is.gd/FlodCY
→ What are the key features of Thailand's cannabis industry?:https://is.gd/QG4qCj
→ From ancient to modern: The cannabis tale of Thailand:https://is.gd/nzZayJ
→ Thai government could face ‘thousands’ of lawsuits as it seeks to ban recreational cannabis use:https://is.gd/Z5pjeW
→ Thailand’s Cannabis History and Modern Evolution:https://is.gd/08Iikb
→ Trends of cannabis use and related harms before and after legalization for recreational purpose in a developing country in Asia:https://is.gd/GHmPkw
→ 皮塔被爆料 大麻政策4年大翻轉:https://is.gd/CLC6eq
→ 實地走訪泰國,大麻已輕易可見?──「娛樂用」仍是灰色地帶,餐廳遞上「快樂菜單」:https://is.gd/yfLPyV
→ 大麻合法化,泰國後悔了:https://is.gd/D0VHRM
→ 泰國公衛部宣告大麻合法化,民眾未來自行種植須向在地政府登記:https://is.gd/NDoPN4
→ 泰國宣布將大麻移出毒品管制名單 民眾可向地方政府登記種植:https://is.gd/JNM4cH
→ 泰國大麻合法化問題多 急診入院數暴增566% 反對聲浪增:https://is.gd/CwUGF5
→ Emergency Room admissions for cannabis up 566% as parties call for it to again be criminalised:https://is.gd/3j97ts
→ Thailand Legal Cannabis Market Share Analysis Report, 2022-2030:https://is.gd/GWdtst
→ 「就連警察都搞不清楚!」泰國大麻合法化吸引全球無數遊客 娛樂用大麻遊走法律灰色地帶:https://is.gd/kZHoDb
→ Researchers support cannabis bill:https://is.gd/rPlzdE
→ Chokwan Chopaka Wiki:https://is.gd/10Zu86
→ Cannabis Crunch: Thailand’s Sudden Reversal on Marijuana Legalization:https://is.gd/hfwxTl
→ 【國際大風吹】娛樂用大麻合法化有哪些優缺點?泰國、美國的經驗與教訓:https://is.gd/Pc8M0G
→ 擬重禁娛樂用大麻 泰國衛生部長:所有娛樂用途都是錯誤的:https://is.gd/1IWK3O
→ 泰國掀大麻熱,醫院推「漢麻套餐」:https://is.gd/RNBehw

※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。


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