Six Old Chestnuts Delemmas | Public Administration And Governance |
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 Published On Sep 28, 2024

In this video we learn about the six old chestnuts concept that what are the dillamas in the governance and how to make a decision.
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The "Six Old Chestnuts" is a concept introduced by B. Guy Peters, a renowned political scientist, in his book "The Future of Governing" (1996). These "chestnuts" refer to persistent and recurring dilemmas or issues in public administration and governance that have been debated over time. Peters uses this term to highlight the ongoing nature of these debates and the lack of definitive solutions. Here’s a brief overview of these six key issues:
1. Centralization vs. Decentralization
Dilemma: Should decision-making power be concentrated at the central or higher levels of government, or should it be dispersed to lower levels, closer to the people?
Centralization: Advocates argue it ensures uniformity, coordination, and efficiency in policy implementation.
Decentralization: Proponents believe it allows for more responsive and tailored governance, reflecting local needs and preferences.
Ongoing Debate: Finding the right balance between central control and local autonomy remains a challenge, with different contexts requiring different approaches.
2. Representativeness vs. Neutral Competence
Dilemma: Should public administration emphasize representativeness (reflecting the diversity of the population) or neutral competence (hiring based on merit and expertise)?
Representativeness: Ensures that government bodies reflect the demographics and interests of the population, which can enhance legitimacy and equity.
Neutral Competence: Focuses on hiring the most qualified individuals, irrespective of their background, to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in administration.
Ongoing Debate: Balancing the need for a representative bureaucracy with the necessity of maintaining high standards of performance is an enduring issue.
3. Expertise vs. Democracy
Dilemma: Should governance prioritize expertise and technical knowledge or democratic participation and accountability?
Expertise: Argues that complex policy issues require specialized knowledge that only experts can provide, leading to more informed and effective decision-making.
Democracy: Emphasizes that all citizens should have a say in decisions that affect them, even if they lack technical expertise.
Ongoing Debate: The tension between technocratic governance and participatory democracy remains a central issue in public administration, especially in policy areas requiring specialized knowledge.
4. Equity vs. Efficiency
Dilemma: Should public policies and administration prioritize fairness and equity, or should they focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness?
Equity: Advocates for policies that ensure fair treatment and equal opportunities for all citizens, often requiring additional resources to support disadvantaged groups.
Efficiency: Focuses on achieving the best possible outcomes with the least amount of resources, which may sometimes conflict with equity goals.
Ongoing Debate: Striking a balance between achieving efficient service delivery and ensuring that all citizens are treated fairly is a persistent challenge in public administration.
5. Responsiveness vs. Accountability
Dilemma: Should public administration prioritize responsiveness to the needs and demands of citizens, or should it emphasize accountability to legal and institutional frameworks?
Responsiveness: Suggests that government agencies should be flexible and adaptive to the changing needs and preferences of the public.
Accountability: Stresses that public officials should adhere to established rules, regulations, and procedures, ensuring transparency and preventing misuse of power.
Ongoing Debate: Balancing the need for a responsive, citizen-focused administration with the necessity of maintaining accountability and adherence to legal frameworks is a continual concern.
6. Stability vs. Change
Dilemma: Should public administration prioritize stability and continuity, or should it embrace change and innovation?
Stability: Ensures that government operations are predictable, reliable, and consistent, which is crucial for maintaining public trust and order.
Change: Recognizes the need for innovation and adaptation in response to evolving social, economic, and technological conditions.
Ongoing Debate: Managing the tension between the need to preserve stability and the imperative to adapt and innovate is a key issue in public administration.
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