ARABIC MEDLEY | Nasheeds Without Music | Cover By Muhammad Danial
Muhammad Danial Muhammad Danial
1.03K subscribers

 Published On Apr 21, 2023

#arabic #nasheed #naat #kunanta #yarasoolallah
This Medley Made By Muhammad Danial

My eyes are full of longing

ولطيبة ذرفت عشقاًﷺ
And they’ve shed tears due to missing Taiba

فأتيت إلى حبيبيﷺ
So I came to (visit) my beloved

فاهدأ يا قلب ، ورفقاًﷺ
Calm down, my heart, and be gentle!

صل على محمدﷺ
Send salutations upon Muhammad
O Messenger of Allah

السلام عليك يا رسول اللهﷺ
May salutations be sent upon you
O Messenger of Allah

السلام عليك يا حبيبي يا نبي اللهﷺ
May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved
O Prophet of Allah

السلام عليك يا رسول اللهﷺ
May salutations be sent upon you
O Messenger of Allah

السلام عليك يا حبيبي يا نبي اللهﷺ
May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved
O Prophet of Allah

يا رسول اللهﷺ
O Messenger of Allah
Anta noorolullahi fajran (You are the light of Allah at dawn)
Jeita baadal osry yosran (You came after the hardship as convenience)
Rabbona aalaka kadran (Our God raised up your position)
Ya imam al anbeya'ee (Oh Imam (Leader) of the Prophets)
Anta fel wejdany hayyon (You are alive in sentiment)
Anta lel aynayny dayyon (You are the light of eyes)
Anta endal hawdy reyyon (You are the irrigation at the Hawd (basin))
Anta haden wa safeyyon (You are the absolutely pure guide)
Ya habeeby ya muhammad (My beloved Muhammad)
Ya nabey salam alayka (Oh Prophet, peace be upon you)
Ya rassool salam alayka (Oh Messenger, peace be)
Ya habeeb salam alayka (Oh beloved, peace be)
Salawatol lah alayka (The prayers of Allah be)



قمر سيدنا النبي ..
moonlike is the appearance of our master, the Prophet ..

And beautiful ..

and beautiful ..

وجميل سيدنا النبي
and beautiful is our master, the Prophet,

and beautiful.

In order to keep up with them,

قلّدت ظاهر ما فيهم
I imitated their looks and exterior

فبدوتُ شخصاً آخر
So I became someone else

كي أتفاخر
just to boast

و ظننتُ أنا
And I thought that through

أنّي بذلك حُزْت غنى
that I'd gained a fortune

فوجدتُ أنّي خاسر
But I found that I'd lost,

فتلك مظاهر
for these are mere appearances

لا ، لا
No, no

لا نحتاج المالَ
We don't need wealth

كي نزداد جمالا
In order to increase in beauty

جوهرنا هنا
Our essence is here,

في القلب تلالا
in our hearts it shines

لا لا
No, no

نرضي الناس بما لا
We will not seek to please others with that

نرضاه لنا حالا
Which we deem to unbefitting for ourselves

ذاك جمالنا
That is our beauty,

يسمو يتعالى
rising and ascending above

Oh wo oh... Oh wo oooh
Oh wo oh... Oh wo oooh

كن أنت تزدد جمالاً
Be yourself and you will increase in beauty

لا الـه الا الله
There is no God but Allah

مالنـا رب ســواه
We have no God but Allah

ربنــــــــا رب القلوب ..وهو علام الغيوب
Our Lord , the one who knows what is inside the hearts

في الشروق وفي الغروب ...نوره يهدي العصاه
From dawn till sunset, his light guide those who sin

ربنا الهادي الودود
The loving the guide

فضله ملىء الوجود
His blesses fill the whole world

عفوه خير وجود
His forgiveness and generosity are blessings

فأرتجي دوما رضاه
So always seek his approval

Thank you my Lord thank you
شکراً یا ربی شکراً
You guided my heart thank you
ہدیت قلبی شکراً
You light my way thank you
نورت دربي شكرا
Thank you oh Lord
شكرا يا رب
The one who revealed the Quran
يا منزل القرآن
The one who created mankind
يا خالق الإنسان
My Lord you are the most merciful
يا ربي يا رحمن
Thank you oh Lord
شكرا يا رب

My Lord, I seek Your forgiveness
رباه عفوك إني
My hands have spread for Your light
للنور مدت يداي
I have pulled out the secrets of my heart
نزعت أسرار قلبي
And I have come to show my grief
وجئت ألقي أساي
I complain of my heart being twisted
وأشتكي طي صدري
By a way (i.e. my life) that's full of cruelties
درباً سحيق العطايا
I started with it but
به بدأت ولكن
I don't know how it shall end
لم أدر ما منتهاي
I don't know of my hopelessness in this day
لم أدر يأسي فيه
Nor do I know whether I am guided
ولا عرفت هداي
I don't even know my night
ولا عرفت ظلامي
Or my day
ولا عرفت ضحاي
And no one else has a sound
ولا لغيرك دوى
Oh Lord, one day I call
يا رب يوماً نداي
You are my Hope
يا، يا، يا رجائي
Oh my hope, Oh my hope (Allah)
يا رجائي، يا رجائي
Oh my hope, Oh my hope (Allah)
يا رجائي، يا رجائي
Oh my hope, Oh my hope (Allah)
يا رجائي، يا رجائي

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